CHAPTER 11 TIFFANY 9am (nextday)

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Today is the day my mother passed away.

I write in my diary for the beggining of the morning, then later go downstairs to make breakfast.


I try hard not to think about my mother, but my dad's car is already gone so it looks like I'm by myself again today, with no one to help keep my mind off it.

I go to the toaster and shove in two slices of bread and I grab a butter knife out the drawer. I wait in front of the toaster patiently, twirling the knife in my hand.


Suddenly, there's a loud shattering sound behind me as a brick comes flying through the kitchen window.

It lands solidly on the floor near the stove. Scared half to death, I peek at the brick; there's a note on it.

'Ur mother left u cuz u so fuckin ugly' it says.

Tears sting into my eyes. I rip up the note and run to my room.

I hear laughter from outside.


I sit on my bed, holding the ripped piece of paper tight in my fists as I sob.


I hear the beeping of the toaster downstairs, but I ignore it and grab my diary. Inside, was a taped picture of my mother. I held the book tight against my chest and laid on my back.

Staring at the ceiling, I whispered softly, "kill me. Just kill me now. I deserve to die."

I honestly laid there for awhile and made a list in my head of the people who would care if I was gone right here, right now...

That list consisted of no one.


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