A purehearted delinquent who discovered a terrible truth about eggs

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Third Pov :

To be honest, Deuce was really happy to have a moment with (Y/n). Though there was Grim and Mara too.

He... liked the girl a lot. She was a... a very good friend, though he was too embarrassed to tell her that. He always got nervous when talking to women, and (Y/n)'s tomboyish side didn't changed this, though it was a little bit easier to talk with her since she was... a friend.

And then, the fact that Ace and the others were with him this whole helped him not getting embarrassed, mostly because he knew they would make fun of him for the rest of his scholarity if they were to learn about it. 

And yet, right now, he was feeling... strange. Happy but strange. He felt like there were butterflies flying in his belly when he was with the (h/c)-ette. But that was much better than the bitterness he was feeling when another guy was a little bit too close to her, especially guys like Cater, it was the worst.

Was it... Was it jealousy ? Why was he jealous ? She was just a friend.

She was just a friend... Right ?

- DEUUUUUUUUUUUUUUCE !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! WAKE UP !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

The blue-haired student nearly jumped, startled by the girl's sudden scream. She was staring at him, frowning, like Grim and Mara were, though the two magic creatures seemed more annoyed than she was 

- You've been zoning out for all the way to the shop, are you sure you're alright ? You didn't even reacted when I was talking to you. 

Wait. He's been zoning this whole time ? S-She has been saying things to him and he completely ignored it ? Oh god, this was so embarrassing... He lowered his head not to let the girl see his flushed cheeks. (Y/n) frowned, not understanding his reaction before shrugging and pointing at the small at the end of the road

- Oh, here's the shop Trey-senpai talked about.

- S-Seems like it's open... L-Let's go inside...

The shop was... colorful, to say the least. The entire place was full of items that didn't really looked like they should be eaten... Or even used. Would they really find what Trey need for the mont blanc ?

- Pardon us ! Whoa, what an amazing shop... Crystal skulls, magical texts, and... W-What sort of animal is this...?

- Are you sure this shop sells edible things ?

- Wah~ (Y/n)'s right, can we really find some fresh cream here ?


- Hey ! Little lost lambs, what can I help you with ?

- WAAAH !!!

The three first years and the eagle gasped when they suddenly heard a voice behind them. They turned to see a quite young and weird man, without a doubt the shop's owner, with magenta eyes and a dark skin, black-and-purple dreads flipped over the right side of his head, and white skeletal markings painted beneath his eyes, on his neck, on his chest, and on his forearms.

Yep, he was really weird. Probably the weirdest guy of the whole school, along with Rook... or so (Y/n) hoped. The owner welcomed them, a bright smile crossing his face, while Grim glared at him for surprising them

- Welcome to Mr. S's Mystery Shop. What is it that you wish for today ? A charm against cheating ? An ancient king’s mirror ? Or maybe, some cursed tarot cards ?

- Wha- You startled me !!

He ignored the cat-raccoon's complains and glare as he turned toward the girl next to him

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