chapter 26

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I am currently still in the same position I have been in since I ran upstairs. It is time for dinner and I decide to quickly run to Axel's room to shower and get dressed hoping he won't be there. To my luck he wasn't there. I hop into the shower and hop out after about five minutes. I wear my cream coloured biker shorts and white oversized Tupac tee and I brush out my hair and head downstairs. When I enter the kitchen Axel Raine and Mason are laughing and it quite down when I walk in.

"Hey guys ." I say and avoid Axel's eyes.

"Hey Raine." Vanessa chirps

"Hey sugar."Mason yells.

"I haven't heard that name in a while." I say smiling.

"That's because I've been mad at you." He points out in a duh tone and I laugh awkwardly.

"Sorry about that." I say suddenly embarrassed.

"It's fine sugar, now where is our food peasant." He says in a demanding tone.

"Very funny." I tease. I quickly heat up the food and place it on the dining table and mason starts eating like a starved caveman.

"Mason." Vanessa groans and I laugh loudly and Axel snaps his head to me and I quickly look away."Raine aren't you eating?" Vanessa asks and I shake my head." Why?" 

"I ate a burger ." I say recalling how snuck to the kitchen after seating at the attic for hours.

"That was like five hours ago." She says looking concerned.

"Nessa , I am fine." I say giving her a reassuring look.

"Okay babe, this pasta slaps you have to teach me how to make this. Grumpy pants over here won't admit it." She says referring to Axel who is eating  in silence and glaring at the food.

"Dude stop being a dick, the girl you like just made the best food I have ever tasted." He says and  Axel hits the table and I flinch and he storms out of the dining room and I sigh.

"Raine did you do something to him?" She asks and I nod my head slowly.

"Oh no, sugar." Mason groans.

"It wasn't my fault he told me he liked me out of nowhere and I ran away." I say and Mason and Vanessa burst out laughing. 

"You what?" Vanessa asks clutching her stomach as she laughs.

" You don't like him?" Mason asks in a more serious tone and I sigh.

"I do but I don't trust him guys." I say and they nod.

"He is a good guy Raine and he needs someone." Vanessa says and I groan.

"Yeah but how do I know he won't just use me like he did with all the other girls in school, he kissed me and then completely ignored me . How do I trust a guy that lowered my self esteem so much by constantly insulting me not to mention has treated me like trash and put his hands on me the moment I met him." I sniffle 

"But Raine you changed him and as a guy once you find that girl changes you for good you never want to go back." He says and looks at Vanessa who blushes the they both share a quick kiss and I smile.

" I don't know if I'm ready yet." I say.

"Take your time babe." Vanessa says and I nod.

"It's funny how I have always dreamed of this moment when Axel white would feel something other than hatred for me. Now that it has happened I almost wish I never met him, it would make my life less complicated but I can't help but want him every second of the day." I say and Vanessa squeals.

"You're in love baby girl." She says and I shake my head . Am I?

"Anyways tomorrow is a big day . Every year, Axel's father hosts a Christmas Eve cocktail for his friends, family and firm. So he will be coming in tomorrow. It's always on our third day here so after that he flies back and we can all finally have some fun." Mason says and I nod my head nervous to meet Axel's family. 

" I have nothing to wear though." I say.

" I got you girl." Vanessa says and I nod.

The rest of the evening, Mason, Vanessa and I watch hallmark Christmas movies and I watch as Mason and Vanessa cuddle and I smile . I slowly drift off to sleep after movie 3.





Axel's POV

She fucking ran. I have never felt so stupid in my life and trust me I have done many stupid things. I confessed my feelings to someone for the first time and they bolt. I couldn't sit through one more second of that dinner so I left. She was just perfect even when she isn't trying . That's what fucking pisses me off because I can't stay mad at her . I am not mad at her for not liking me I am hurt that she lied to me and gave me all this signs like she actually felt something for mw but she didn't. 

I knot my tie and take a quick look in the mirror and head downstairs. I scoff when I see the huge crowd father dearest had gathered at our house. I push past the crowd of people to look for a glass of champagne. The smell of expensive perfume and mint fills the air and I glance around at the smiling faces and roll my eyes. I have not seen or heard from Raine since I walked out of the kitchen last night and I plan to keep It that way. I look around the crowd of people and spot my father who is currently waving me over and I groan inwardly and walk up to him and two other people who I vaguely recognise. 

" Sharla , Chris this is my son Axel." He says looking at me proudly and they turn to me and give me a smile and I nod at them.

" Pleased to meet you." The lady says extending her arm and I ignore it .

"Likewise." I say and walk way and I hear my father apologising for my behaviour and I smirk. " I turn around only to find my father taking to Raine and my jaw drops. she looks gorgeous. She is wearing an emerald green silk dress. It hugs her curves tightly and it stops just above her knee. She is wearing a silver pendant that compliments her caramel skin. 

"We need to talk." My father says and I look at him questionably as he almost looks worried.

"we don't." I say glancing at Raine who just stares at the two of us uncomfortably.

" Meet me at my office in 5." He demands and I sigh. He walks away leaving Raine and I and I clear my throat and send her a glare.

"Dom I need to-

"Don't ." I warn and she nods.

"Axel I'm sorry." She says.

"Sorry for what exactly, you don't feel the same way it's fine I'll move on the world doesn't revolve around princess Raine." I say rolling my eyes and she nods quickly, her eyes watering.

"I just -

"Save it Raine I have nothing else to say to you ever." I say placing emphasis on the 'ever'. I push past her and head to see my dad and I freeze when I see woman that looks way to familiar.



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