Chapter 20

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The next twenty four hours have been awkward. Axel is still with Jessica which is not shocking. There are occasional glances and smiles from time to time but he has made no effort to talk to me, but baby steps right? As for Riley, I don't think I'd ever be speaking to him again. I am currently wandering around the school halls because I can't find my friends. I wander around the school grounds till I find them seating outside on the bleachers. As I approach them they seem to be having an important conversation.

"Yeah so we are going to have to go by- Hey Raine!"Vanessa says nervously while the rest of them shift uncomfortably.

"Um hi.." I say giving them weird looks.

Mason clears his throat and decides to speak first."Raine we were just talking about a-

"You guys don't have to explain anything to me. It's not my business, you all were friends before I even mattered in this school it's fine. Anyway I'll see you guys later." I say feeling hurt that they are keeping things from me.

"Raine." Vanessa says looking at me apologetically.

"Nessa it's fine like I said you guys owe me no explanation."I tell them with a faint smile.

"Sugar wait -

"Let her go, we need to talk about this."Axel says coldly finally speaking up.

I pause and look at each of them slowly in disbelief, I sigh, shake my head and walk away.I should've known my life was too good to be true. I feel quite stupid, of course they don't trust me. They have been friends for years it will take a while before they open up to me. I continue my journey across the field avoiding the nasty looks from the football players. I freeze when I see Riley walking up to me.


I pick up my pace gradually until I'm sprinting like a mad man. I probably look crazy right now.

"Raine!"He yells and I look back and see he is chasing after me.

"Stop following me!" I yell trying to avoid him. I make a u-turn running back to the direction  I came from and he does the same and somehow he is right behind me . I keep running till I spot my 'friends' I run to them and hide behind Axel.

"Raine what- Oh"He starts then realizes I am running from Riley . 

I pant and place my hands on my hips."Riley h-he is c-chasing me and .. whew I am so not fit." I pant trying to catch my breath.

"Raine breathe what happened?"Axel asks looking at me with concern.

"Riley is chasing me and I don't know why.. Oh God he's coming."I say.

"Raine calm down I just want to speak to you."He says raising his arms up in defense.

"Leave."Axel states crossing his arms.

"I was talking to Raine not you."Riley says.

"Well clearly she doesn't want to talk to you."Axel challenges and Riley sighs walking away after briefly glancing at me.

"Thank you ." I say quietly and walk away.

"Wait."Axel says and I turn around with a big smile on my face.

"Why are you smiling?"Axel asks looking at me in amusement.

"No reason."I mutter .

"Raine we have something we want to ask you but you have to listen and don't speak till we are done."Vanessa says.

"Okay."I say unsure of what they were about to ask me.

"So every year, Mason, Axel and I go up by the mountains to his father's cabin for two weeks during Christmas and we return right before new years and we want you to come.."Vanessa says.

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