Chapter 19

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It is the day of the party and for the first time in a while I finally have an outfit to wear. Vanessa and I settled on a black cotton button down shirt with blue ripped jeans.I stare at my long frame in the mirror and sigh in content, for once I feel pretty. I tie my hair up in a bun and leave a few strands falling, then lay my edges. Just as I am done applying lip gloss I hear a honk and lace up my boots and run down my wooden stairs .

"Raine stop running!" my mom yells and I curse.

"Sorry mom, I'm leaving now love you!" I yell and prance happily out of my house. 

I head outside and see Mason's matte black Audi R8 parked in front of my house. I open the door and take a seat at the back.

"Wow Raine you look... nice."Mason says clearing his throat quickly looking away, I glance at Vanessa who looks hurt but quickly wipes it away and smiles.

"Hey Raine, you look beautiful." She says.

"You too Ness." I smile as we drive away.

Nessa is honestly beautiful, she has long brown hair that complements her olive skin and the most beautiful blue eyes. She is tall and has a curvy yet slender figure, she could pass as a model. The ride to his house is about thirty minutes, we all hop out of the car and I sigh, this should be interesting.

"Please you guys do not get wasted, you're my ride home." I plead while pouting.

"Fine ." They both groan and I squeal

"Let's get this over with." i say pulling them both in.

I walk in and I immediately want to walk back home and curl up in my bed. I take a look at the wasted crowd and at Mason and Vanessa who look like they want to join in on the fun and I shake my head, this should be fun.

"Hey Raine! I almost thought you wouldn't make it."Riley says and I take in his appearance. He is wearing a black flower print button down top with white jeans, he look hot.

"Riley! Happy birthday you look nice." I say muttering the last part.

"Thank you, you look quite ravishing." He says in an accent and I laugh. "Vanessa , Mason how are you doing?" He asks.

"Good, happy birthday bro."Mason says

"Happy birthday Riles."Vanessa says pulling him in for a hug which lasts longer than expected and Mason clears his throat looking pissed.

"Shall we?"Riley asks dragging us all to the living room. We walk in and I have to say, he is loaded like the rest of the people here. I glance at the group of people seated in a circle, there are about ten people, mostly new faces. As we approach my heart skips a beat when I see Axel in a turtle neck long sleeve black shirt and black skinny jeans with a silver chain, why did he have to be so gorgeous? I am snapped out of my trance when I hear an unfamiliar voice.

"Yo Riley ! we were about to play truth or dare wanna join?" A tall blonde who looks around are age asks.

"Sure, Dylan, guys meet my friends Vanessa Raine and Mason."He says in order of how we stood.

A couple of heys and sups where heard as we took a seat. I could feel Axel's burning gaze on me and I shift uncomfortably.

"So here is how it's gonna go, We are going to go in order starting from me, you can choose anyone to ask, if you refuse the dare you have to take three shots if you refuse the truth you have to take two, understood?"A brunette explains."So let's begin, Aiden truth or dare." She asks a boy seating across from me.

"Dare ."he smirks.

"I dare you to kiss any girl of your choice for one minute."She says.

"Claire you know that's an easy dare but I'll do it anyway."He says to the brunette whose name is apparently Claire."I choose Rachel." He says and walks towards a petite pink haired girl and goes right in. 

"Times up."Claire says and the next person asks. A bunch of crazy dares are asked and no one seems to be choosing truth or asking me so I loose all interest till I hear Axel's voice.

"Raine truth or dare."He asks and everyone's head snaps up to me which might be the fact that I haven't spoke so nobody knew i was in the game or because I was

"Umm truth."I mutter refusing to look up.

"Of course."A girl mutters from next to me and I sigh, they already don't like me.

"Are you a virgin?"Axel asks and I freeze as everyone smirks waiting for my answer. 

"I-I.." I look up and start shaking when I see people staring at me, my heart starts beating rapidly and voice starts to quiver .

"Just take the shots Mary we all know the answer anyway."Rachel says taking a puff of her cigarette and people snicker as Vanessa hold my hand giving me a reassuring smile

"Yes."I say staring deeply into his eyes. He looks at me and smirks while wrapping his arms around Jessica and I look away. He just did this to hurt me, he knew I was a virgin.

It finally came to the girl sitting next to me whose name I did not know's turn."New girl, truth or dare." she smirks. Why me?

"Dare ." I say regretting my choice.

"Perfect."She smiles." I dare you to kiss the birthday boy." she says and everyone cheers except for Axel who pushes Jessica off him and glares at me.

"Raine take the shot, we all know you're a pussy anyway."He says and people laugh.

"Axel shutup."Vanessa snaps.

"I don't know, I think I'll take the sho-

I am cut off by Riley smashing his lips onto me and I freeze it takes  while for me to realize what is going on, when I do I try to pull back , but he just holds me tighter restricting me from moving , i try again but my lack of strength fails me and i decide to kiss him back then I use the opportunity to bite his lip, hard.

"You bitch!"He yells and I use all my strength and kick him in the balls and he groans as everyone stares in shock.

I use this chance and sprint out of the house. I stop on the porch and catch my breath I pant and tears start to run down my face, my hands our shaking and my heart is pounding.

"Raine are you okay?"Axel asks.

"Of course I am not okay!"I yell throwing my arms in the air."I just got forced into kissing some asshole who forced me into it by the way and you ask if I'm okay?!"I scream.

"You seemed like you enjoyed it."He shrugs and I laugh in disbelief.

"Axel you're a jerk, you have no sympathy for anyone . You are rude, stuck up and arrogant. You have a father who is trying to love you but you push him away-

"You don't know me Raine!"He yells cutting me off.

"How am I supposed to know you Axel?! Every time I think I am getting somewhere with you, you go back to being an asshole. So how ? How am I supposed to get to know someone who doesn't even know who they are?"I ask placing my hand on his cheek.

"Raine I am sorry for -

"Axel saying sorry doesn't work on me, especially from you, they are just five letters that mean nothing to me." I tell him.

"Let me try, I will tell you everything there is to know about me."He says and I look down.

"Axel I want to trust you but I can't, not after everything."

"Princess, one more chance."He pleads.

"Okay."I mutter wondering what I had just gotten myself into.

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