Chapter Eighteen

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Severus was worried about his daughter. He could see she was struggling and he knew he had to do something about it he just didn't know what. She hadn't left her room in a few days and he wasn't the only one who was worried.

'Severus, how is lily today?' He was glad he had Minerva as a friend. She had been over to see Lilliana a few time and no matter how many times Lilliana rejected her she still kept trying.

'There is no improvement I'm afraid.' Aurora Sinistra looked over before touching his shoulder. He tensed but didn't move it off.

'Why don't you take a day off. I can see that this is taking a toll on you too.'

It was true, it wasn't taking a toll on him. Hopelessness wasn't a feeling he was used to do and he hoped he never had to feel like that again.

'I can't sit in my quarters all day knowing that I can't help her.'

'I have an idea.' He looked over at Minerva with an almost pleading look in his eyes. It shocked her to see how vulnerable he looked. 'I will excuse Ginny Weasley from all of her classes tomorrow and we can see if she can do something for her. A new face might do her some goof. I know you don't like people in your space Severus but it might just be the thing she needs.'

Severus thought about it for a moment. Minerva was right, he didn't like anyone in his space but if it brought his daughter back to him than he would do it.

'Anything Minerva, as long as it helps her.' He slumped back in his seat pinching his nose with his right hand. Nobody said anything. They didn't like seeing their colleague looking so defeated and quite frankly it shocked many of the members of staff at how much emotion he was showing them.

Minerva left the staffroom not long after the conversation had ended. She was going to the Gryffindor common room but she did a detour to see Lilliana before she did. It saddened her to see her like that.

As she walked into the common room she was bombarded with questions about Lilliana.

'Where is lily!'

'Is she okay?'

'Has she been kidnapped?!'

The last one made her laugh.

'Lilliana Snape is not doing so well. She will not be returning back to the common room until she is well again. I trust you will refrain from hounding Professor Snape about her whereabouts now that I have given you this information. I am ashamed at the lack of disrespect you have had over the last few days. I'm sure many of you have noticed how stressed he has been as of late so please do not add to that. Now I would like to speak to Ginny Weasley.'

Ginny came forward and she directed the girl into her office.

'Now Ginny, what I am about to tell you is highly confidential and I trust that you can keep the information to yourself?' Minerva gave her a pointed look.

'Yes, Professor.'

'Good. As I was saying in the common rooms lily isn't doing so well however it goes deeper than that. I assume you know about her parents?'

'No Ma'am' Ginny was curious now but utterly worried about her friend.

'Her parents were killed by Sirius Black. I was informed that a few nights ago a small group of people were conversing about the topic of Black and it triggered a reaction in her that meant she hasn't left her room in days. I have spoken to Professor Snape and he has agreed for you to go to their quarters tomorrow and see if you can bring her out of it.'

'Oh my god. Yes, I will do it! Anything I can do to help Professor.' Ginny was in shock.

'I want to warn you that there is a chance that you cant help her. I'm telling you now so it doesn't come as a big shock tomorrow if this doesn't work okay.'

'Yes ma'am. What do we do if it doesn't work?'

Minerva looked away from the girl and stood up turning her back to her looking out of the window. There was silence in the room for another five minutes before Minerva finally spoke again.

'I don't Know'

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