Chapter Twenty Four

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Okay, since you suggested the idea dad you go first' Lilliana suggested.

'What's your favourite colour?'

'Seriously, that's the first question you ask?' She laughed.

'Gotta start somewhere so why not start simple' He chuckled and her eyes glowed at the emotion she had got out of him.

'Alright, Alright. Yellow'

'Yellow' he looked at her in disbelief. 'Your favourite colour is yellow?'

'What's wrong with Yellow?' She defended. 'Yellows a beautiful colour. It's the most luminous of colours on the spectrum. I love it because most people believe it as the colour of happiness, optimism, enlightenment and creativity and has connotations of sunshine and spring!'

'And what do you believe it as?' She hadn't realised he had noticed she'd said that.

'Well, I believe it is all those things. But nothing can be all that without having a dark side lurking about.'

'Dark side?' He was probably using up all his questions but he was so curious as to what this girl meant.

'Yeah dark side, yellow can also symbolise cowardice, betrayal, egoism and madness. Most people don't know that colours have dark sides and light sides because people only see light colours as positive.'

'How do you know so much about colours. Why do you know so much about colours?' He really was curious now she seemed to know what she was talking about. It's fascinated him.

'Colours show a lot about people. I learnt them because it's interesting. You can learn so much from the colours and they are everywhere! Tell me, what's your favourite colour?' She asked.

'Black' Once again Lilliana found her self laughing. 'What are you laughing at child!'

'Nothing, Nothing. I just should have guessed.'

'Well care to tell me what it means?'

'Well since you have asked nicely. Black means mystery and power along with Elegance and sophistication.'

'And the dark side?' Considering yellow had one he assumed black did too.

'Ah, I see you're picking it up. Black can also mean sadness and anger. That's what most people think about Black. I think that's why people are scared of you at school. You wear all black and most people relate black to negative emotions instead of what it actually portrays'

'Well, that's nice to know I suppose.' He wasn't sure what to take of the information she had just given him.

'Anyway moving away from colours what other questions did you want to ask me?' She was enjoying this game.

'What's your middle name?'


'Italian or Spanish?'

'Italian, on my mother's side. Her grandma's parent were Italian and she was called Seraphina. They felt it was only prudent that I got stuck with it as a middle name.'

'It means ardent you know'

'Ardent?' She was confused. She hadn't heard that word before.

'Yes it means

'Yes it means enthusiastic or passionate'

'Really? I quite like it now' He laughed in response. 'What's yours?'

'Tobias' he said with a grim look on his face. 'Was my fathers name.'

Lilliana noticed the look and immediately felt guilty for mentioning it. She knew he had a past that he didn't like talking about and she respected that. She hated talking about it too so she moved the topic of conversation. The food had long since been eaten so she chose to move on to the next part of his treat.

'Why don't we go and visit the gardens now? You can show me your favourite spots and then we can make them ours'

He smiled at her words. He had never properly gone round them so he was just as in the dark at how beautiful they actually were. It was safe to say he was having an Amazing day. He had never had such a relaxing weekend ever.

The gardens were as stunning as they both had suspected. The waterfall they concluded was their favourite spot and had declared that they would try and come here once a month when it was open. He had in mind a spot to take her for when the gardens were closed. He decided to keep it a surprise however for whenever he thought she needed a break from the stress of school and Sirius Black. He was aware however they would be going to his house for summer and he had just realised had never told her about that or even cleared a room for her.

They were on their way back to the entrance to go back to Hogwarts when he had an idea.

'Hey Lily, for summer you will obviously be coming back to my house in Spinners End. It's not much and it's not the most pleasant house but I hope you will find it comfortable. Albus isn't expecting us back for any time so why do we extend our trip and go back home to mine and create you a room for summer?'

'Really?! You'll let me help you too?' The excitement was clear on her face and was also apparent at her jumping which was pulling down on his hand as it had gotten quite busy and he hadn't wanted to lose her.

'You won't be able to use magic but you can tell me what you want doing and I will do it for you.'

'Then let's go before it gets dark! Oh, I can't wait to see your house!'

Fun fact: My favourite colour actually is Yellow. 

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