Chapter 7

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Ashton's POV

As soon as the bell sounded I packed up my books and ran out of my last period class. I just didn't want to run into Dom again. You know I think I'm gonna change his nick-name since Dom is so unoriginal. Yep, I'm going to name him...Deq cool name for a douche bag, but im a nice person and don't want others to feel utter embarrassment.

I continued down the hall towards my locker as kids started to fill the halls. And considering that alot of them towered over my small height, with their long-assed legs they easily caught up to me, tripping me in the process.

I stumbled back into something hard and felt arms circle my waist. Wait arms?!

Quickly I turn around to meet the one person I hoped not to, Dom,or better yet Deq. He smirked down at me which only caused my anger to brew. Who does he think he is, making fun of me all day. I'm done!

Without further thinking, I pushed away from his encircling arms with force only to stumble forward again, but this time successfully landing on the ground. I heard some type of whine come from Deq's direction. I turned my head to face him and saw a flash of hurt come over his features and for some reason I just wanted to make him feel better now, no matter what.

Oh my god I did not just think that.

'Yes you did.'

The hell?

'No. Your bye'

What the duck was that?'s probably just my imagination gone wild again. Yeah that's it! My imagination.

"Are you okay." I turned my head back to face Deq again and this time saw concern etched into his face which suprised me. I thought he liked to tease me...

"I'm fine." I answered. I immediately got up and bolted for the dorms so that I won't have to think such absurd thoughts.


I soon arrived at the door that read 'room 209'. I looked down at the piece of paper I received the first hour I got there and saw it also read 'room 209'

I hesitantly knocked on the door to see if my roommate was in. I know right. Why did I have to get a roommate?!

I heard slight shuffling and a loud grunt before the door opened. I stared into a muscular chest and slowly trailed my eyes upwards to meet with another gorgeous guy. He had a defined jaw with slight stubbles on it. The most vivid green eyes stares into mine, it was some what covered with his deep chocolate brown hair. Let's just say he was the type of person you want to lick chocolate off of.

"Hi I'm your new roommate, Ashton Firelight." I greeted. He just stared blankly at me. At least not amusingly. It's a step. Then something flashed in his eyes, but we're gone just as quick as they appeared. Strange...oh well!

"I'm not your roommate." he stated with the same expression shown. What?.

"What?" I voiced my thoughts. "What do you mean?"

"I'm not your roommate. I was just waiting for my friend." he said. "Plus I applied to not have a roommate. Their all annoying."

Okay I was hurt by his statement, but if he isn't my roommate, who is. "Then who's my roommate?"

"Domonique." he answered. Oh then that's o–wait Deq? Welp isn't my life just so ducking awesome. I get to share a room with a sarcastic douche bag.


Domonique's nickname is 'Deq' for Ashton.

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