Chapter 11

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Ashton's POV

Okay, so I'm majorly sorry bout not updating I've been working on my month long project plus my writing essay to win money so I'm probs not gonna update fast enough.


Okay well the day went pretty well. Not saying I like school, but it was okay except when it reached lunch. Let's just say that I'm sitting in the principals office with Deq and that guy I fought with before—ill call him duck-butt guy— all covered in food that's really starting to smell. I'm just gonna tell you what haooened, and just for the info it wasn't even my fault. Ok here.

After a day of silence in class except for the teachers talking, I made my way to the lunch room quickly because my tummy was rumbling from not eating breakfast this morning.

As I walked through the door I immediately spotted Deq talking with duck-butt guy and a few other of his friends. I made sure to maneuver my way through the over sized guys all while hiding so Deq wouldn't spot me. I was getting closer to the front of the line when I smacked into something hard (lol) I ran my fingers down it and felt the eight packs that Deq had. Mmmmm those abs.

Realizing that I just felt up a random guy I moved my head up to look at him and apologize with my best puppy dog face that no one can resist—my mom— only to be met face to face with the person I tried avoiding, smirking in all his glory;Deq. God can't he just leave me alone for a day?! What's so good about bothering me except for my sexiness?

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