Heavens Arena part 3

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Hisoka then said " baby can I please not be a clown" you laughed and said " I know your not a clown" he smiled more or so. Killua's jaw dropped and then he said " wait what!!!! He is not a clown, then what is he" Illhmi then said " well he's a magician, the cards are a dead give away. He acts like a clown though" Hisoka was a little hurt. You stood from the table and said " I'm full" Kurapika then said " you need to eat more y/n." Gon was actually way ahead of him he had got some rope and had started to tie you down your waist and your hands were tied and he then whispered in your ear " now we are going to help you eat properly. Do not untie yourself okay" it was a happy whisper but still a warning you then said " fine but someone has to feed me" Kurapika was already on it as he was sitting next to you. He then said " so what would you like to eat first " he put the plate infront of you. You then saw steak ( sorry if your vegan, then tofu or salad) you then pointed to it he then started feeding you and then the server came or and said " Ms those men over there wanted you to have this." He placed it down on the table it was red wine ( I know your 12 but it works best) . You then sniffed it and then said " that thing is like 60% drugs " Illumi then said " were a little older then you, can I have it" you shrugged and said " sure I don't care" he downed it and said " the wine was a good thing with the meal" Kurapika had feed you the whole plate he then said " now do you want dessert they have a whole self station" your eyes lit up. You nodded and then asked " what's you guys favorite cake" ( I choose them myself) Hisoka said Red velvet, Killua said chocolate, Kurapika said carrot cake, Gon said birthday cake or confetti, and Illumi said vanilla. You smiled and were about to get up when someone enter and you guys saw each other. You jumped out of your seat and hugged her. She smiled and said " y/n why didn't you tell me you were in town we could have had lunch" you then said " well I was in town for a little bit of my property but I'm already with some people so yeah" she then raised her eyebrows suggestively. You blushed a little and nodded she squealed and looked around seeing a group and she then said " okay so where are they I want to meet them. " you then walked to the table and said "guys this is my friend Valerie, I'm going to go make a dessert be right back"you walked away to make cake. With the guys. Valerie then said " look I know she likes you and all that but she's mine so back of " Gon then said still being happy " the only reason your not dead yet is because y/n is friends with you" Valerie laughed and said " what your going to hire a Zoldyck to kill me" Kurapika then said " I will do you one better the last kurta" she laughed and started mocking them. Hisoka then said " I will do you one even better the last Morrow" she laughed even more. Then Illumi and Killua said " we can do you one better, we can all torture you and then slowly kill you" Valerie laughed again. You walked over they all started acting. " Valerie can I tell you something outside" she stood and said sure. She walked ahead of you, you turned around Hisoka winked and Kurapika mouthed ' she's trash' your eyes flashed red only Kurapika caught it and he blushed hard. You stepped out and said " Valerie I-I like you" she then kissed you. You smirked and slipped the poison in her mouth. You guys walked back in and you took some wine and poured you and her some. She was walking and drink it, she then said " how could you I'm better then them" you then said " the last people you meet before death were the child of Ging the hunter, the last Kurta, the last Morrow, and two Zoldycks, buh bye" she fell over not breathing you just walked over and got the cakes. You placed them down with a smile on your face. " okay I need cake to get that disgusting kiss taste out of my mouth" they dig in you ate [your favorite cake]. You finished your cake and said " I made a good cake" Illumi then said " yes you did, I enjoyed it" you smiled and heard Hisoka mumble " you got cake too" you threw a knife at his head and said " that's embarrassing and shows lack of manners I know better and you do two" he then said " but it's true tho" you grabbed your stuff and said " Hisoka you have a death wish I will wait outside" you left and sighed out. Until you saw Lucifer ( the head spider) he had been quite friendly the last time you saw him, you held off knowing Kurapika hated him. You just waited he saw you and waved you waved back quickly and told him to go on and leave. He waved bye and left quickly. They came out and Killua wrapped his hand around your waist. They seem to have come to the agreance that only they were aloud to love you and so they accepted each other it was rather weird. Kurapika then said " bye Hisoka don't harass Gon, Killua take care of Gon, and Gon if Hisoka makes you uncomfortable hurt him and tell Killua" they nodded and went off you giggled and Kurapika then asked " why are you laughing" you then breathed and said " you acted like a mother" Illumi then spun you to him lifting your chin to his and said " well then he can teach you and you can be the mother of our children" this dude was smooth and great time because you started blushing at the first part of that sentence. You then continued walking and Kurapika pointed " that's the store" you looked at where he was pointing and laughed very hard. Illumi then said " Kurapika she owns that store" Kurapika pouted and said " I'm not surprised but how did you know Illumi" Illumi then said " cause the same symbol was on Heavens Arena and that's the company brand." You tapped his shoulder he looked down ( he was taller and older then you)" yeah" you puffed you cheeks and said " this building belongs to me but it's the low class one, I refuse to let you shop there when you are a Zoldyck and I have the last Kurta with me, we are going to Gaga Reads end of story" you pulled them along Illumi loved that look in your eyes when you were happy and determined. He followed without a care in the world. Then he was stopped by some girls pulling on him, he hated it and he hated them for stopping your trip. He saw that Kurapika was also getting harassed. He then saw your eyes turn red then pink. You were mad no denying it you then said in a polite voice " can you girls please release my boyfriends" they ignored you. Illumi tried to escape but couldn't Kurapika's attempt was also unsuccessful. You then grabbed both of them and lifted them above your head very easily. The girls gave you nasty looks. You turned around and walked like this most of the girls stopped following when you entered the high class area while the few that followed then said " why are you taking them away are you their girlfriend" you tch and placed them down and said " why yes I am and I own this bookstore and Heavens Arena please leave us alone" the were trembling. They ran off you then said in a angry tone " I am mad at you Illumi, sorry Kurapika " Illumi then asked " why are you mad" you looked at him and said " you can't flirt and then act all polite to other girls." Kurapika then said " why are you not mad at me then" you looked at him and said " your a cute jelly bean I can't be mad they were attracted and your normally polite and NOT A ASSASSIN " he nodded and said " sorry Illumi I can't help you" Illumi then said " I didn't want you to see me as a brute or mean, I really did just try not to kill them my actions were solely to protect your image" you groaned at how you struggled to stay mad you sigh as a sign of defeat. He then said " now you do have a horror genre" you nodded and opened the door the desk person rushed over " Ms.l/n we didn't know you were coming we can close for the moment and say it was due to your request. You tell us if anything is wrong please" you smiled and said " Miya right, I will and these gentlemen are allowed whatever they would like to read, souviners and merch are only 50% discounted have a good day" you walked over to the manga genre. You picked up what you wanted having out your suitcases. The newest worker came and said " Ma'am I can help you what's your name" you looked over and up and said " I'm your boss Y/n L/n nice to meet you" they nodded and said " if you need help we will do everything we can to satisfy you enjoy" you smiled and went back to looking. Illumi came over 3 books in hand and said " these are the ones I want" you smiled and said " the divergent series good pick" you then went and got the whole Harry Potter collection and gave it to him. Kurapika came over and said " good choices all around I got a few that I want" you smiled and said " let's leave then " Kurapika nodded but Illumi then said " I need to use the bathroom" you then said " okay I can take your books" he handed them to you and went in the direction of the bathroom. you then placed them in your suitcase and then asked " Pika I'm sleepy" Kurapika then said " sure I can carry you" you shrinked your charms and got on his back. You slowly drifted to sleep and hugged him you could feel his heat it was calming and friendly. His warmth heated up in a angry but the cooled down. He then stopped but not suddenly so you stayed sleep. You could feel his hand leave you thigh a few times but never cared to wake for it. You then fell and Kurapika landed on top and face first into your breast he quickly stood with a blush that was could not be hidden you then said " what happened" in a sleepy voice. Illumi then said " is this dude your boyfriend " you just threw a knife it impaled his arm and he screamed. You shook you head no " nope and him claiming that is his death" you threw another knife it impaled him in the head and that made him dead.you didn't even give the dead person the time of day. You went back to sleep until you woke to your body feeling numb. You hurt all over but at the same time you didn't it was weird Illumi then said " what happened all we did was take o-" you placed your hand over the necklace and started to hyperventilate. You then started having a episode. You fell over crying and saying " stop. Stop. I will train. I'm sorry.stop.stop.help.help" Killua snatched the necklace and quickly gave it to you. You bite down on it making your teeth vibrate but that was calming. You started to breath like normal. Gon then rushed back with water and warmth. He hugged you and said " stop and focus on my warmth and don't sleep, don't think about anything other then us" you hugged him for life and he let you rocking you back and forth. Hisoka then said " were sorry for taking your necklace we didn't know that would happen" you stayed in the hug and said " it is not your fault I am just glad no one got hurt because of me"Illumi picked you up and said " please do explain why you haven't been eating properly and if you feel anything else we know it's that time of the month."

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