Meeting the Zoldyck's

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Hello welcome to a story filled with many things such as romance,drama, some action , and imagination. I would also like to tell you that I aged hisoka and illumi down. I also destroyed the law of dating age.

Shall we begin

Since you could remember your family was just terrible. You have been tourterd since you were 2 your body became shocked then you gained the ability to see into the future. Your parents were assassin's and same with your older brother and they wanted you to be a top assassin so they got some of your traing schedule form the Zoldyck's they also fused that with the schedule they got from the Morow's. They made you do this schedule when you were 2. When you turned 4 they then planned for you to meet the Zoldyck's.

When you meet the Zoldyck's

Your parents went in then they made you get in on your own. You had saw how they did it before they did it. Then it was your turn, you walked up to the door but before you could push it a old man who was the gaurd said " child this door is not easy to open you are going to hurt yourself" you looked at the gaurd and smiled " my name is y/n l/n and my parents just went in so it is either I push it open or break it down so I thought pushing would be easier" you said as if it were normal. The old man then said " just don't hurt yourself" you then pushed the doors and 3 of the doors opened the guards mouth hung agape you waved bye and walked up the path you reached your parents before they got to the door. You were greated by Killua who was your age, illumi who was older then you, and Ms.Zoldyck who was just straight out creepy. Your mother said " Ms.Zoldyck so great to see you have you considered our offer of our children working together" you looked over to Killua to see his face trying but failing to look not angry and at illumi who looked disgusted he was involved with it. Ms.Zoldyck started talking and said " Yes we have considered, but the only way is if one of your kids can beat killua.I think the girl should go" your mothers face then turned into a happy disgusted and said "sure that brat can fight him I don't care if she dies" then Ms.Zoldyck looked at you and said " what's your name" in a kind voice but you replied with " drop the act were all trained to look like you don't care about peoples feelings, but my name is y/n and I already know all of your names all I would like to know is the rules and how to win" Ms.Zoldyck smiles " Can I buy her" your mother smiles and opens her mouth but you speak first " I am no product, it is not my so called mothers choice, since I have parents they get second say, but my services can be bought,if you have anything regarding me then talk to me also who am I fighting" your dad punchs you in the face and says " show some respect" you then saw two out comes your eyes turning red and you scaring your parents or you apologising you then decided to scare your parents.You turn your head at the man who punched you and the women beside him they were your parents " that would be like giving you two respect and shut the hell up unless you want me to give you a hands on demonstraion of what you have been doing for the past 4 years, I will show respect when her husband stops pointing darts at me" Mr.Zoldyck then said in his voice " well I think this child is great for Killua and Illumi, I can't wait for the fight so dear who do you want her to fight" you speak out again " My brother is a assassin but he can't fight so I will be fighting" you look at your so called brother to see him scared out of his mind and leaking bloodlust and the same for your so called parents who are standing behind you, you then see Mr.Zoldyck. and he says " you will be fighting Killua, the match is in a hour we will explain the rules then but I have some work to talk about with your parents so children go play" your mother then says to your older brother Duke " you have a job you were just here because it was respectful you may leave, y/n go with the zoldyck brothers here and get to know each other or what ever I don't care" the 2 boys now walk to you and reach out there hands you shake them and say " lets go" you leave the room that you were in and down a hallway then a boy bumps into you. He falls you reach out your hand and say " are you okay" the boy looks up he is clearly older then you but a perv and says " your cute" and goes to kiss you but you punch him and say " I try to be nice but this what you do, you look like a pig stay away from me" the boys behind you laugh and you continue walking you go around a corner and say " your parents are a lot better then mine" they look at you and say "what do you mean" you take off your shirt showing the scares " these were given to me by my parents they went easier this month because of us coming here." Illumi then says " your really pretty I wish we could buy you" you glare at him he laughs nervously " I just think your pretty all of the other girl assassins I have meet fan girl over me" you laugh and say " well that must be really annoying" Killua started laughing " how old are you guys" you ask. Killua awnsers first " I'm 4 going on 5" you smile and say " I'm the same age what about you illumi?" illumi responds with " I'm 8" you then say " well do you guys want to do something" Illumi said "we can play truth or dare" you smiled and said " sure but do you want to be my friends " they both nod and you now on the verge of tears " I got friends now. I am so happy" but what had crossed illumi's mind was ' she is so cute and perfect and so different, I think I understand love' what had crossed Killua's mind was ' I wonder what love feels like but if my parents want to plan my future as long as y/n is in it and safe I'm fine but I think illumi likes her 2 we may have to talk' ( this just sounds creepy, I swear this is not a yandere story). Then you stopped looked out side you then raised your hand up to the window near by Illumi then asked " what are you doing" you turn to him and say " cheaking the time why" this confuses Killua so he asked " how did you check the time like that" you then said " the rises over there ( you point) and ends over there so the sun is in different position every our but we have to go to fight in about 20 minutes" the boys stared in shock you moved from the window and said " where are we fighting at?" Illumi answered first and said " in that room pointing to the door behind you " lets go " you walk through the doors and see your parents talking and pig ( that's his knew name but you are referring to the kid who eats food and is on computers and wanted greed island he is the second oldest zoldyck he is 2 years older then you) Mr.Zoldyck turns to you and says " you guys are early you still have time to talk. Butler how much time is left" you speak quickly " roughly about 20 minutes left but at this point about 17 minutes I wanted to warm up" then Ms.Zoldyck starts clapping " Honey we really should think about there offer" Ms.Zoldyck says trying to wishper but failing miserably " I can hear you, care to share what your talking about" Mr.Zoldyck now ignoring says to his wife " I think it is a 50/50 they would like such a girl" then pig comes up to you and says " I bet your weak you will never get a boyfriend and my eyes must have been play games with me because your ugly" this set you over the edge so you sat on the ground this caused everyone to look at you. You breath in and out but then pig said " I bet the only reason your parents love you is for money " this was off the cliff and you stood up and punched him in his face sending him halfway across the room you then said in a non-emotion tone " who the HELL said my parents loved me, and if what they give me is love then I don't GOD DAMN WANT IT" everyone in the room froze you then turned to Killua calmed down a little and said " you have seen my back and know where they came from, you hurt my feelings or say ANYTHING about this topic you will be in the hospital you got that" Killua now scared because you were so nice about 10 minutes ago but Illumi just thought it was cute he shook his head yes you then counted to 10 in your head so the room was silent then Mr.Zoldyck said " little girl that is my son and you are a geust he was not a opponent in a fight so you had no reason to hit him" you then saw he planned to hit you then you spoke out " I would like if you don't hit me and if he is your son then maybe teach him some manners he has insulted me, tryed to kiss me, and even bring my family into this, and as someone who doesn't get mad very easily he made me mad. I would also like for you to know who you are dealing with but that's after the fight." You pause then return to a happy you and say " This is going to be fun, Killua we will still be friends no matter the out come right" Killua had a smile and said " yep" your father then said " if you lose your schedule will triple " you laugh and say " that just won't work between torture and my other task I am booked but I could double it by doing it at night and then in the middle of the night" then your mother said " and no kill time" you then got sad and said " but that's what I like about my schedule " your mother grinned but then Ms.Zoldyck asked " what's kill time" you smiled and said " I get to stock up on food and I have to hunt and forage for my food" then Mr.Zoldyck said " could Killua and Illumi come for your next Kill time" you smiled a bigger smile and said " as long as you don't mind them maybe getting hurt sure, I normally take about 30 minutes to collect enough food for 2 weeks would you like for them to catch food to I can show them the herbs to" you say nicely and your parents are just smiling standing next to Ms.Zoldyck then Mr.Zoldyck says " If you guys are friends then they can go with you the next time but you can only be friends if you beat Killua" you smile and say " I will fail then" this confusing everyone you say " Killua has heard you so he will most likely try to fail and that's just no fun how about this we redo this but this time not let Killua know" Mr.Zoldyck says how about this " if Killua win you can stay friends" you reply with " lets talk over there we have about 10 minutes left " Mr.Zoldyck smiles and says "sure" you walk over there with Mr.Zoldyck the rest of the adults joined " If Killua wins I will be as you people seem to put it bought but if I win then I get to keep my friends and have them next Kill time" your parents loved the idea of you gone so they added in " if she loses we will also pay for any trouble she causes" Ms.Zoldyck then said " what do you know about nature" you smile because you are leading these adults into a trap they don't seem to get you already do triple your schedule and your reading can't be matched with anyone in your age group or the 10 year olds you awnser with " I know almost every possible thing that can kill you and almost everything that can save your life" Ms.Zoldyck smiled and said " I like this Idea" but then Mr.Zoldyck said " instead of buying you how about your hand in marriage to one of our children" you smiled " marriage is strong ,sure, but like you said earlier which I had already came to the conclusion of what you guys were talking about I doubt they would like me in that way" Mr.Zoldyck smiled " then you have got a deal " you then bit your finger and drew y/n with your blood " and that is assassins code if you do this it is a deal that can not be undone or you die" then Mr.Zoldyck did the same.

"Time is up" is what the butler said

You marched over to the mat and said " what are the rules" the butler then smiled a smile that looked more like a sorry smile " you will be doing a hand to hand fight. The only way to win is to knock your opponent out. No weapons that is all." he walked off the mat and yelled " begin" Killua rushed at you but then stepped to the side to kick you but you did a cartwheel then you rushed at Killua and you acted as if you were going to step to the side so he moved but you jumped and on the way coming down positioned your foot to hit his soft spot that would knock him out you landed on his shoulder just as planned and quickly jumped of he was not knocked out but then you rushed at him and kicked his stomach he fell over he was knocked out.

The butler stepped in and said " the winner is y/n" then Mr.Zoldyck said " What is your training schedule" you frowned " well when I wake up I do illumi's schedule then I study about everything then I clean after that I cook and clean again I then go practice agility and do Killua's schedule then I have torture after that I play with my pet wolf do hisoka's training and then I get ready for bed. That's what a easy day looks like" Mr.Zoldyck looked fine but was really kinda sad for you and Ms. Zoldyck had a smile which you returned but then Mr.Zoldyck said " you said something about a time for torture who does that and what do you do" you smile " sometimes they rip off skin sometimes it is whips and they also give me poisons they do these things on a good day and I forgot that almost everyday my dad or brother rape me" you say as if normal. " Don't hurt them they are still family, I am the one who will kill them so if you hurt them it is like being on my turf not cool" Mr.Zoldyck starts laughing and says " I wish Killua would have won you would have been fun to have around" you smile and say softly were only he can hear " when I turn 5 I am going to dissaper and I don't want any of you hurt I will leave a note on your desk before I leave" Mr.Zoldyck smiled " well I guess we will see you soon"

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