Hunters Exam 1

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You are all probably like finally. So yeah lets get into this.

You had got there and got your number which was # 405 instantly you noticed Killua who was alone but cool, Gon who was with Kurapika, you then saw Hisoka standing alone but then you saw a guy full of pins it made you smile because you had gave Illumi some pins for his birthday when he had been feeling a bit suicidal. You then saw this fat, ugly, no good piece of trash ( I will not change this and we all know who I am talking about) come to you and say " hi I'm Tonpa this is my" blah blah blah is all you heard and then he offered you a drink you knowing it was spiked then said " okay look, if you are insecure about yourself that's one thing but spiking orange juice is wrong and giving it to a child is even worse it makes you unfit to be a hunter and for the fact that you think I can't smell the type b laxative in this is stupid on your behalf so no to what ever reason you were giving me this juice" you walked away.

A dude had grabbed your butt you then took his hand twisted it a ripped it off he screamed and you said " sex offender in the future. Keep your hands to yourself" everyone looked at you shocked except Hisoka. You tossed the hand into the crowd they made way. Then the purple head came in you knew who he was his name was Satoz he said to keep up with him so you jumped on his back people said nothing in fear you may end them. You went to sleep for a while and then woke up to see a lot less people. You then said " Hey Satoz do you remember me, how much longer do we have till the next stage" he then smiled " yes I do it's thanks to you that I am a hunter and we have about 40 minutes at the pace we are going" you nod and get down you then go up ahead and see light so you reached the end and set up a barrier and went back to sleep you heard footsteps and broke the barrier. It was Gon and Killua and they were running. " hah I won" Killua said " no I won" Gon argued you then said " actually I won  against both of you" then Killua got happy and rushed for a hug and so did Gon, you giggled " Hey Gon and Killua everyone is here except Illumi" you knew he was clearly trying to hide from Killua for what reason not know to you. Then the others came Gon dragged you back to his group you and Kurapika locked eyes and said " is it really you" you then say " the one and only" he hugs you then their friend asks " wait you guys are friends with the girl who ripped that dudes arm of earlier" Killua started laughing " who else would take a mans arm off" Kurapika laughed a little " I did meet her while I was in a fight" Gon then looked at the dudes " not surprised she would kill someone if they lied to her" Leorio then said " hey I'm Leorio an-" you look at him and smile " I'm y/n nice to meet you" you then heard Satoz say to get on a boat. We were on the water then Satoz told us about the creatures and how tricky they can be. " he is lying I'm the examiner and he is one of the creatures of this swamp see" as he had a monkey  that looked a lot like Satoz. Hisoka decided to solve this his way so he threw cards but he threw some at you as well. You swiped your hands and caught the cards the obvious fake died and Hisoka then says " problem solved only a examiner can catch my cards" then this dude said " then how come that girl cought them she can't be a examiner" Satoz chuckled " I know how she did but number 44 if you do that again you will be disqualified" we reached land and we got off ,Satoz said the same thing applyed but you then heard the ground shake it was quite but hear able you jumped to the trees people just thought you were anti-social while some followed and did the same they were happy they did because the ground started swallowing people whole. A few people disappeared until Illumi was alone, in this group we reached the gate Satoz was kind enough to wait a few minutes so you decided to speak to Illumi " I see you like them" he turned " yes they work well for my job and they remind me of you so I like to wear them , but I want you to come back your so much better then these pins" you giggle and say " I'm sorry I wasn't there for you but then you would have nothing to strive for nothing to want so I gave you some hope one of the best things a person can give" Then the 4 kids came back and Hisoka was grining. He looked at you and then you noticed his hair and giggled about how he still liked to wear his hair like that but it was cute. Killua came over and said " y/n can we stick with you" you then say with a sweet tone " sure but you guys should protect yourselves because if you can't then I won't bother to help" Killua then told them to come over but then Hisoka came over " Hello" everyone but Killua and you took a step back " guys he is litterly a clown" Leorio said you bust out laughing, Hisoka glared at him and you stoped and said " your funny but I get the feeling you didn't miss me, I have NO reason why " he looked at you " no I swear I missed you see" he pulled out gum " how does that show you missed her" Leorio said. " she gave this to me for my birthday she normally gives me a gift on my birthday and this is hand made thank you" Hisoka awnsered you then heard Satoz call you over so you went to him " what did you need" he rubbed the back of his neck " well since they know you, you have to wear a cloak to prevent favoritism" you put the cloak on and said " thanks Satoz. " Then a guy grabbed your arm " hey your cute" you looked at him and said " remove your hand before you lose it" he then touched your thigh Satoz " I would not make her mad if I were you" the dude didn't listen you grabbed his coller and snapped his neck. You walked back over to the group Leorio backs away " you just killed a person at your age that should not be possible" you smiled at him and said " I gave him a warning he was flirting with me and I did express I was not intrested the examiner even asked he didn't listen he looked in his 30s you see the age difference" Gon then said " y/n lets go to the next task" grabbing your arm running away Killua and Kurapika follow Hisoka and Leorio stay and Hisoka says " I love her so hurt her you die, make her cry you die, make her angry well you die so keep her happy" he walked away Leorio caught up and said " hey y/n is this your first hunters exam" you giggle and say " nope I took it when I was 6 but I dropped out letting everyone get their liscences. So I am wearing a hood so no favouritism in anything" Kurapika then said " thanks again what you told me really helped and the bullying stopped and before it could start again I went on my journey to be able to leave, you will have to tell me about your travels" you rub your neck " well I met Gon after all of you guys so I guess that's it well I did a few jobs but nothing that would ruin you guys life that's all" then we were interrupted by Menchi and Buhara " hello today you will be cooking and we are the judges" then some dude says " I want to be a black list hunter so why should I know how to cook and hunter that are cheifs are dumb and wasting their licences" you then said " well a hunter has to be ready to survive and that includes eating so if you can't cook you can't survive in dangerous situations like being stranded on a island with your target or goal so you need to know to cook, disrespect cooking again and you will lose you're tongue" Menchi then said " thank you, the main dish is pork you can collect it from the forest" you had dashed off after that then you heard people enter but you found a pig you took out some honey and covered your hand the pig you wanted came rushing you took some string and tied it up you also grabbed some plants you were back and took up 3 stations one was for the plants and herbs another for the sauce and the last for the meat. For the herbs you minced and diced them you also added some peppers and onions in it for health perpuse. For the sauce you used some red whine and mixed some garlic, pepper,salt, and Italian seasonings it was a good balance. For the meat you cut some strips and used them as bacon you then cooked them you then made portchop cubes and cooked them while that was on you went to your plant and herb station and made a omlette. A guy came over and said " move little girl and give me your food" he pushed you. A card came flying hit him in his head he fell over dead you turned and said " thanks " you went back to your cooking. You finished you poured the sauce on the plate in a neat way then put the bacon wrapped omelette on the plate then put porkchop cubes around it then sprinkled your herb mis around the cubes you then put the extra in containers and put them in your bag. You were last to finish but everyone had failed, you then presented the plates Menchi's had less do to her being a girl and you didn't want her to feel insecure after eatting. Menchi had her legs crossed " why did you give me less food" you then say " mainly because girls are known to be insecure when they eat a lot of food but actually you guys have the same I just made it look like less so if your were insecure you wouldn't get insecure about eating." she nodded and went straight for the omelette you then said " that's not how it should be ate you have to have the cube,herbs,sauce, and meat together to have proper neutriton" she changed and did as I said Buhara then said " can you take off your hood and look at us" you then said " please eat I will take it off after" he did as told he held up a good then you were waiting on Menchi. She paused then her eyes lit up. " may I ask the recipe" you handed her the recipe " how old are you" you say " I'm 12 ma'am" she then said " you pass with flying colors" you take of your hood " hey Menchi, Buhara" she then pulled you into a hugged." your still so cute but now you can finally be one of us" then the blemp came and Netro came down " now Menchi we can't have only one person pass" Menchi puffed " fine we can re due this phase but I want to quit after" Netro said " you were mad and had favoritism it is fine now lets go" you all got on the blimp and you were off to the kitchen you had missed them so you sat in the hall " hello y/n it has been a while we can make your favorite" you smile and hug him " yes please but can you make it with extra strawberries" you said jumping like a child " sure let me go get it" he went into the Kitchen for about 20 minutes and came out with your favorite dish it was a strawberry, whipped cream, sweat and sour ice cream palacade and then he took it to a table you said thank you but then he asked for the recipes you had promised he looked over them and then said " these should do great at the restaurants so that's good income we will be keeping our contract and I hope to see you again Ms.y/n "you waved your hand and said " you can just call me y/n I'm younger then you after all bye" you then started to eat your dessert. You then heard boys yelling about food and then you shouted " GON, KILLUA COME OVER HERE I HAVE A LOT OF FOOD BUT DONT TOUCH WHATS ON THE TABLE" they dashed over Killua then said " wow how'd you get them to make you this and we are starving can you please give us some" you then reach into your bag and pull out two container " this is what I made for the last phase" Killua then grabbed the chopsticks and ate it the way you told the judges to eat it Gon did the same they both looked at you Killua thought ' I want her to be my wife and for us to have kids' Gon was thinking ' I wonder what I did to have this great friend and I would love to turn that to girlfriend and then wife' the boys had melted from the food they then finished and said " we are going to lay down see you when we you get their" you wave bye to them you get up and head to the kitchen and walk in you look at what's happening and start with the Dishes that are not ready yet you push them out and then after 30 minutes your able to go. You go to a room it's locked but you twist up down and then a little harder it comes open the shower is running you then say " sorry I just needed a room to crash in" then the voice said " can you lock the door again and I'm glad you so happen to crash in this room." you were happy and said " well Illumi I'm going to change into a sports bra please tell me you are not a pervert" he was drying off " I don't think I am" you then change " so do you want to try some of my food" his eyes flashed a shine of happiness and he said " yes and then can we talk" you say " sure come on I have like 9 containers left" then you heard a knock and just through a dagger which unlocked the door. " hi Hisoka care to join in the meal I have 8 containers left this is what I made last phase" Hisoka sat down and said " that would be delectable" you hand him some food Illumi goes to eat the way you had said to he took a bite and thought ' the main reason I am here, my first friend and my first love oh y/n I swear I would follow you to the ends of the Earth" Hisoka then said " I knew you could hunt and cook but this is on another level" but in his mind he was thinking ' if their is a god then why have you blessed us with your warrior angel' you then said " well I could have did a few things different but this is good" you then started playing with the charms on the first charm bracelet on you right arm
You then giggle and then the charm grows into a bag " wait how did you do that" you giggle and look at them with that insane look they loved " well wouldn't you like to know" Hisoka was melting and Illumi was mentally melting you got up and said " well I think I have stayed long enough" you then grabbed your bag and left, once you were out of hearing range they were fanboying out about you Illumi was saying " she so cute but can kill and she doesn't care that I'm a assassin, my parents also love her" while Hisoka was saying " oh how that glare hits different, she is pretty and caring and motherly she is fantastic and her hair is beautiful and her eyes are like a world and I want to travel there" they looked at each other " I can share as long as I'm with her" Illumi said Hisoka then said " okay but we have to either share with those others or get them out of the picture"  Illumi nodded but you were already walking when Netro called you over, you jogged " yes did you need something" he chuckled " no but would you like to come play with me i am going to get 2 others Killua and Gon " you giggled and said " okay but I am just going to watch but maybe if my interest is peaked I will join" he nodded we you arrived at a room and heard a game going on so you knocked they came to the door and said " oh hey Mr.Netro "Gon said after Netro told them about his game then went to one of the cousined walls and floors rooms. " okay so the objective is to get the ball" you sat down and Gon said " y/n are you not going to play" you looked at him and said " no I have something to do" pulling out a bunch of charms and charm bracelets and started putting them on to the bracelets you had 100 bracelets so you intended to pack them full then you had a charm skirt you needed to finish. You had finished with them all you then saw the boys pause you stood up and said " can I still join" Gon looked at you and said " sure but the ball is so hard to get" you then started jumping around randomly but then aimed for Netro's knee you hit is with a kick he was hobbled you then walked and kicked the other he was now your hight you took the ball no problem and said " Netro that was not even fun I'm going to go you can keep playing" the boys saw you make it look easy but about 30 minutes later Killua left you decided that you would talk to Kurapika and went to find him. You found him crying " y/n seems so close to the other guys and I am not on par with her I would bring her down " you sighed and walked over to him and said " Kurapika do you want to know why I went to see you" He said " no" you let him lay on your lap " it was because if your always angry you can't feel anything else and I wanted you to be happy, you know that you are still my friend and don't feel bad no one is on par with me and especially not at my age" Kurapika then snuggled into your lap " do I have a chance at your heart" you rub his hair and say " I let you enter so yes you do, but remember I do care even if you end up hating me I will care " he then got up and kissed your cheek and walked off. Killua then turned the corner and said " do I have a chance you never sent me things on my birthday" he was sad you could tell " well I guess the loads of chco-bots is the same as nothing and of course you have a chance" he looked at you and said " you were the one who made the butlers give me candy even tho my mother didn't want them too" you then said " well I did talk to your mother about the whole he can't have candy it will ruin him thing, but want to see something cool" he said " of course " you nodded and said " okay step back" he did as told and you grabbed your twin wolf chram they then appeared " meet aqua and Flame they are the opposite of he each other Aqua likes to have belly rubs and lay down while Flame likes to have head rubs and hates belly rubs Flame also loves running around" you then snapped and they went off you could hear screams come through they then came back and circled Killua." What are they doing " Killua asked a little worried " their checking you out they have already checked on Hisoka, Gon, and Kurapika who are sleep so they are checking if you are worthy to be around me" the twins then leave him alone." your good now" you get down and pat your lap they come over and snuggle into you Killua then says " dang those dogs are lucky" you giggle " if you want you can lay on my lap too" he then walked over and reached a hand to pull you up. You stood up and got on Aqua and whistled the wolves would not let anyone but the cleared people around you. A guy was checking you out and Flame noticed you got off Aqua and clapped they ate the man." Aqua..Flame back" they licked you then disappeared " well Killua can you carry me I am tired" Killua then said " if I get a kiss" you giggle and say " how about me hugging you" he pouted which looked so adorable " please just a little one" you sigh and peck his cheek " now I am going to sleep so you did and he carried you.

Hunters Exam has been so very easy to write. Thanks for the support.

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