Hunter Exam 2

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You had been sleeping for a while then Killua stoped he looked out the window and you started to wake up " Kill what happened are we there or am I too heavy" Killua just said " no it's just really pretty and this feels like a dream, were about 10 minutes away from a trick tower I'm heading to me and Gon's room if you want to explore a little then I can put you down" you get down and say " thanks kill I hope your not to tired and your comfy I am going to go change " you waved bye and went to the bathroom you changed into a tank top and the charm skirt you had finished earlier. You walked to the kitchen and took some food putting it in charms. You had then headed to the exit as the blimp was landing you pushed it open and just jumped and landed perfectly. Then others came you were smiling they were wondering how you got down. Killua and the rest came over to you. " Hey we got to get down" Killua started to walk over you grabbed him and said " watch that guy" a guy tried to go down the side but a bird creature ate him " thanks now we must find a way in" Gon then pointed out " hey people are going through these trap doors" you smiled and said " see you guys" you backflipped into a tile which made you go down. You got in and then you saw the camera's " hey Lip po long time no see" you could here him shaking " w-what are you doing here but I'm the warrant of this prison you have 3 routes and 72 hours to complete them I hope you fail" you stuck out your tounge.You walked into a room and he came back on " okay since y/n has to feel torture I stuck her with You guys good luck" you started laughing Gon came and hugged you " I'm friends with most of them" you could hear the growl you put the band on and you guys started and then after a while you guys reached a stand and a arena in the middle you saw people over on the other side you put on a clock and put your gun on your side. First was Tonpa he is a wimp he lost then Gon who won then you heard a voice that could make your eyes turn scarlet. Killua was about to go you stopped him " he's mine" Killua took a step back you walked on in the arena and you both took off your cloaks you then say " knives only to the death brother" he scoffed and said " mom and dad will get me out they never cared for you" you giggeled you were now on a high and looked like a maniac " you will die here by my hand just like mother and father" he started laughing " there is no way they are dead" you tossed your moms old hair pin and said " then prove how she gave me her favorite pin" he was shocked then got angry. " I'm going to kill you" he took out a blade you took out yours. You both did a l/n family death step it is like rethmic echo but instead it looks like your going to attack you then dash at his old shadow counting it he then came from behind and chopped you. You fell like you were sleep but you put posion on the blade he then went to hit you. You got up and stabbed him he fell over it was a paralyze posion.
You got up and stood over him you dragged the blade against his skin he let out a scream you started laughing " imagine this process done everyday for a hour at the age of 2" you were now angry you stopped the blade and started playing with charms Gon is clapping and saying " you really do deserve to die" Leorio looked shocked Killua yelled " break everyone in his body" Kurapika said " I don't like violence but kill him" you had summoned a whip you then said " dear brother have you ever been shipped" he made a no motion. You then broke his arm with the whip he screamed you repeated this process he screamed in horror of how many bones you broke you then walked up to him and said " you raped a 4 year old 8 years ago you are now paying the price for messing with me" you took his head in your hands and squeezed his head exploded in your hand. You walked back Leorio stepped back Tonpa said " please don't kill me" you looked at and said " I should but not yet for one you tried to lessen my friends chances and my own you also lost your part of this if you weren't my current team mate you would be dead with my brother and parents" Killua came and hugged you and said " I don't want to share" he was hugging you like you were candy. You patted his head and whispered " my cousin is next he also hurt me he gave the blade cuts on my back" Killua looked over and said " welp my turn" he walked to the stage then your cousin ( I changed the person sorry) came he was gifted a syethe he then said " I'm guessing your my little cousins boyfriend" Killua sighed " a guy can dream" your cousin then said " to the death" Killua nodded and then took his heart in a bag of his clothes he had a little blood on his face your cousin tried to get his heart back but he died before he could. Killua came back Leorio was shaking Gon then said " you didn't know Killua is from the Zoldyck family " Leorio was shaking . Killua came back you whipped the blood off his face and said " nice kill I can show you how to do that and no blood be spilled if you want" then the speaker came on " so sorry for you guys anyway you guys get to choose if y/n can move onto the next task or stay with you guys let me be clear if she moves she gets closer to the bottom and can clear trick tower but even is she continues with you and you guys complete it she will have failed" you stuck your tounge out at the camera. Gon then said "okay I want y/n to pass I say she leaves" Killua then says " I agree" they press the button Kurapika presses the pass button you walk pass them and say " I'll be waiting at the bottom" you wave bye and continue you are then in a room with Illumi you smile and yell " Illumi let's do this I killed someone isn't that great" Illumi nodded you were face with a obstacle course the speaker came on and said " I guess you know him two " you nod and say " I can go after this course" there was a sigh of sadness making you happy you then ran through the course in a second " bye Illumi see you at the bottom" he waved bye you walked into a room to find Hisoka and a female they were waiting. " Hey Hisoka what are you guys doing" Hisoka jumped up and said " y/n we were waiting for you anyway we are playing scream we see who can get the other to scream first" you giggled and said " that does sound fun can I go first" the women looked over and started shaking out of fear and anger " your the reason I'm here you made a noise and it got me cought " you snapped " yeah my client said they wanted you to suffer in jail anyway can I go first" she sighed " sure" you brought out aqua and flame and said " F...k " they acted like they were going to kill she screamed they then turned around and you let them snuggle into you they went back to the charm necklace they were on. You walked off and said " see you at the bottom" then jumped down the hole you landed at the bottom. The speaker then said "'1st # 405" the prison ward hated how you made his hardest route look easy. You went and sat down deciding you were hungry you ate a container of food. Hisoka came after he was a little hungry you gave him some food he happly ate. Then others came along one came dead. Hanzo then said " I'm so hungry" you then said " hey we may be enemy's later but right now we're not here" you gave him some food he then realised " wait your the girl that ripped that one guys arm off,killed another, and the only to pass the cooking phase the first time" you nod and say " yep I did those thing anyway I'm y/n what's your name" Hisoka wanted to kill him but that would make him look bad infront of you so he didn't. " I'm Hanzo " he then ate some of the food and then said " your 12 and made this good of food" then someone else said " can I get some" you giggle and make 7 bags appear " okay if your hungry I got food please don't feel embarrassed if your hurt let me know I have medical supplies" Everyone came and got food and medical attention then Gon,Killua, Kurapika, Leorio , and the rolling trash came in and they barely made it but they did you then said " okay this phase is about to end so eat quickly also I'm not giving anymore food away" everyone listened and finished the food Gon and them came over " hey you guys made it I was getting a little worried" Killua then says " it's all thanks to Gon" you clapped and said " that's great now we have to go" we all excited trick tower I got a flash of everyone hiding their pins I quickly memorized. We then drew lots and they told us what they were for. I had my pin hidden from the start no one knew I found that someone random was my person I just decided to kill them. We were on the boat and these boys that were around my age came over and started flirting. I sighed but then remembered that the brown haired one was my Target I giggled at his joke luring him in. He then waved his friends off and said " can I at least get a hug for good luck" I smiled and said " sure a hug can't hurt" I went to hug him and he did the same I grabbed his tag and he was searching for mine. I then broke his hand and said " I hate pervs see you later" I walked off he then started searching for his pin. I laughed dummy. Gon then came and said " were you talking to that boy" Killua came over and said " actually I was wondering why he's not dead he was being a perv" I giggled again and said " oh you must check again" he was on the ground bleeding. " he will live but only because I don't want to clean the ship his whole group are going to die as soon as they step off the ship and look what I got" you said waving the pin in your hand Hanzo watched from a far. He then said in a low whisper " she's pretty, talented,independent, and loyal she will be a great friend if not more" I looked over and then said " hey Hanzo I'm really not that special but we can be friends if you survive" he then looked determind he nodded I walked over to the friend group making sure to come in contact with them Kurapika said " good job back in the tower you seem to have everyone else on netrual if not better terms y/n I'm sorry about what I did last time we talked" you waved your hands " no it's fine really I could care less not like we made out" was glad to know that him being fought up in the moment didn't ruin his chances with you. I then pecked him on the cheek " for good luck now were even" he was blushing so much he almost turned scarlet. You walked Kill us was considering killing him Illumi was trying not to kill him the struggle was for real. I then went over to the edge I then hung off it and went to sleep. I heard a crash and woke up checking your boys were okay which they were we had just docked I let out a sigh of relief. You got up and walked to where everyone else was apparently you were getting off first. You got off and went to a random cave. Dug a hole in the ground and went to sleep ( like Illumi). You heard this douche bag being annoyingly loud. He sat down and trapped the cave with snakes. After a while this girl came and killed him with bees you could hear it. She tried to grab his tags but stopped as snakes tried to get her. I sighed she couldn't hear you a snake slithered onto you. It curled up next to you ( I will explain why at the end) you were just chilling and went to sleep you woke to Leorio screaming for Kurapika and Gon not to come down but of course they came down. I sighed and started digging they stopped what they were doing you popped out waving they screamed. Kurapika then said " y/n don't freak out but there is a huge snake on your arm and another on your leg" you say down and trapped the ground the snakes retracted. The girl then said " how did you do that" you looked at her " your dumb you got everyone trapped and didn't look for other people in the cave how rude now I have to get my friends out of here " she looked confused and said " one of them is in pain if you can't see" I motioned towards Gon he got to the charmer and grabbed the jacket looking for a antidote he was covered in snakes he then found it and let go the snakes retracted and came to you wrapping you in a hug the boys started to you. You held a hand out and pointed down, the snakes dropped and slithered away Kurapika the have the antidote to Gon and Leorio . I breathed out and said " okay so do you want to give me your badge and leave or stay here and keep your badge" you were lying you were getting the badge no matter what cause he was Kurapika ,Gon, and Killua's friend this is what it took to get him to pass so this was what was going to happen. She took off her pin and said " I better get out safely " you then thought about it and said " doesn't that gas have to be set off by hand and carried" She nodded Gon got up and said " I carry you guys but I can't carry the gas as well" you then held a thumbs up. You got them ready and set the plan in motion you and up behind Gon pushing him forward as less snakes were ahead. You got them out but fell in you tossed Gon the pin and said " get there" he nodded hesitantly and put the girl down and the other son woke up outside of the girl they were running when Kurapika asked " where is y/n" Gon then said " she told me to go on and she fell back in the cave" Kurapika started to turn but Gon pulled him along Kurapika tried so hard to get you. They reached the end Gon handed them the badges they held them up Killua then asked " where is y/n" Kurapika then tried to turn around but Gon held him and said " last time we saw her she was in a snake felled cave " Killua was about to speak then the girl said " y/n l/n also passes" they were confused you then jumped of the tree landing perfectly. " good job Gon you got there" some of the other people were shocked but not as shocked as Leorio he then said " wait I don't understand how did you get out the snake charmer was dead and they were poisonous and you were clearly bitten several times " you showed off some charms and said " oh these don't hurt I'm fine" Hisoka giggled. I then put my backpack on and smiled some of the boys melted or blushed intensely. We then got back on the blimp this time they were interviewing us you know how everyone's went they all were scared of you or didn't want to fight you. Now your turn you walked into the room with food in hand you were not being rude but you wanted to eat the food, you sat down taking a bite out of your cake ( yes a whole damn cake cause I love cake) he then sweat drop and said " so y/n is there anyone you kept your eye on" you nodded of course " well yes numbers 405,44,301,404,99,and 403 but not as much attention on 403 he was just around some of them" Netro nodded and then said " can I have some cake " you glared at him " not a chance this is my favourite type of cake" he gulped and then said " and is there anyone you would not like to fight" you then stood up and smiled " nope I don't care who you have me fight after all it's will power not really a fight cause I have pride I can summon and I'm stubborn now if I may leave I want to ea th my cake in peace" Netro sighed and thought ' what am I going to do with her bye the time she is 18 she will be ready to run this place well I'm putting her against people I know are weak that's what were doing she will ultimately feel bad and not fight weak people I still can't believe that we have Zero from the 2nd deadliest family coming to see them"he sighed and went on about his day you found Kurapika reading you walked over and said " hey Kurapika what are you reading" he looked up and said " oh hey y/n I'm reading I'm seen but not heard have you read it before " you gasped and sat down " it's only my favorite book,what page are you on"he held the book over and said " I don't get this scene though what's he saying they are doing" you read it and it read ' I sought after this moment in joy as I moved closer then we came in contact I thought I was dreaming cause this was heaven.' you giggled and said " oh he kissed Violet and is saying how much he had wanted to kiss her" Kurapika blushed as he had thought they were hugging as they did not even touch before this in the book.You smiled and said " some people would think like a hug due to them always talking safely through notes but a lot of them forget the 3 scenes where they were hugging they even pecked each other on the cheek some people also forget about his dream of kissing Violet" Kurapika blushed even more as he thought about how him and the boy in the book had a lot in common except you were his Violet he wanted to kiss you so bad. You got up and walked off he sighed as Killua turned the corner they glared then laughed Killua said " unfortunately I don't want competition but I can't kill you so work together or you can end up not being with y/n" Gon walked over " I will agree to this" Kurapika said. Gon then said " sure."

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