Meeting him

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 I growled and turned off the alarm clock and got out of bed. I looked at my phone that was charging over night. 1 new event, “Stay after school to get tutored” I sighed as I read this I forgot I had a tutor now. I got up and got ready for school. I threw my “I wish I could ctrl alt delete you” shirt on with some black skinny jeans and deiced that I would ware my grey fluffy boots again. After brushing my hair and teeth I walked down stairs and garbed my laptop that was charging and put it in my laptop case. After that I made sure that I had all my school stuff so I wouldn’t get in trouble and put it in my school back and walked to my bus stop. I put in my blue ear phones when I got to the bus stop and started to listen to No.5 by Hollywood Undead.  After the long bus ride I got to school and quickly got off the bus and got into the school before it got to crowed. After the walk to my locker I took out my earphones and stuffed them in my bag, and put my phone in my boot. I put my bag in the red locker and took out my binder with all my stuff and slamed my locker shut. I started to walk to my Homeroom, “great my homeroom” I thought sarcastically. When I got there it was the same. The guys yelling and pushing each other, while the girls gossiped in a group. I sighed and walked over to a conner and sat down. It was only 15 minutes of homeroom I can survive I thought, but all of the sudden One of the guys was pushed into me. I yelped out surprise when he landed on top of me.

“Sorry” He said and got up stepping on my hand in the procce making my yelp again and walked back to his friends, as they started to push each other around again. 

“Oh its fine that you stepped on my hand while getting up and made me fall to the ground” I muttered under my breath. When I looked at the clock it was about 1 minute left tell homeroom was over. I started to gather up my stuff, and walk to the door. Right as the bell rang I waled out of my classroom and walked to my class. After about 5 hours and 3o minutes I was at my last period witch was math. I quickly walked to my math class and sat in my seat. Once everyone was in the class Mrs.P started to collect the math homework. I took the work out of my binder and gave it to her. She started the class talking about lesson 5. After 50 minutes of half listening half daydreaming the bell rang. I got up quickly and packed up my stuff. 

“Jayde, can you stay after for a second?” Mrs.P asked. 

“Yep” I said and walked up to her.

“So you will be meeting your tutor here,” I nodded my head and was about to go but she stopped me 

“Also you and him will be by your selves, I will be at a meeting tell late. Ok?” I nodded my head again and walked out of the class. “Great now I get to be by myself with this person that probably is going to be a guy.” I thought. I went to my locker and getting my bag out. I stuffed all my stuff in my bag and started to walk to my homeroom. “Yeah homeroom! ” I though sarcastically, I walked into the class. Only to have to quickly dodge a person “Don’t hurt anyone they are going to leave soon” I thought to myself. I quickly went to the conner seat and sat down. “Its so loud in here” I thought to myself as I sighed. 

“All people taking busses are now dismissed” I heard the person say on the intercom. 

“Yeah” I mumbled under my breath while watching my loud classmates leave. I sat there in the classroom by myself, tell I decided to stand up and go to my math teachers room. I walked down the quite halls, tell I finally got to the math room. I sighed as I opened the door and walked in. No one was in the room, so I just walked to one of the tables and sat down and waited for someone to come. About 5 minutes later a boy walked into the class. He walked over to the seat next to me and sat down. 

“Hi. My name is Jacob.” He said smiling at me. 

“H-hi. My name is J-J-Jayde” I said just above a whisper looking at the floor. 

“You don't have to be shy. I wont hurt you” I looked in his blue and nodded my head. 

“So lets get started” He said while fixing his grey beanie.

A/N: Pic is what Jacob looks like.

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