A what??!?

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I groaned as the teacher pasted me my test. "50! Great!" I thought.

"Jayde you need to stay after class today" I heard my teacher, Mrs. P say. I groaned, great what is she going to say.

"Ok" I said as I stuffed another failed test in my binder. I looked at the clock, only fIve more minutes I thought as Mrs. P was talking about something. I started to day dream tell I heard a ringing. It took me a second to realize that it was the bell that was ringing. I sighed and gathered up my stuff and walked to the front of the classroom, to the teachers desk.

"Mrs.P you wanted to talk to me?" I asked, after all the students had left.

"Yes." She said looking at some papers

"Jayde it looks like you are failing this class" She sighed.

"I know I will try to get better" I said trying to get out of this.

"You always say that. So i decided that you are going have a tutor to help you." She said her brown eyes staring at papers in front of her.

"A tutor?" Did I hear her right.

"Yes a tutor" she sighed looking up at me.

"You will be staying after school with him" My brown eyes widen a little.

"Ok. Will I be staying after school today?" I asked her sighing.

"No. You will start tomorrow." I nodded my head making my long brown hair bounce a little.

"Ok. Thats all, you can go to your other class. Do you need a note?"

"Yes please" I said. She nodded her head and wrought a note saying that she kept me after class.

"Thank you." I said as I walked out of the classroom, to my next class. Great I am getting a tutor in math, sounds so fun, I thought in my mind. I sighed and took out my phone from my grey furry boots that go up to right below my knee, I unlocked my phone and went to the calendar and put into stay after school tomorrow. After that I put it back in my boot and pulled down my power moves only shirt so it was a little over my jeans.By the time I got to my next class it was half over. "Great now this teacher is going to freak out at me" I thought as I entered the class as quite as I can, trying not to be seen, but it seems that life doesn't want it like that. "BANG", I had ran into a trash can. I groaned as lifted my self from the floor and onto my elbows. When I looked at the class they were all looking at me. I quickly looked away a little bit embarrassed. I sighed as I got up and started to pick up the trash that came from the trash can I ran into.

"Jayde! Were have you been!" I heard my S.S teacher yell at me.

"Sorry, I am late Mrs.P wanted me to stay after class" I said as I put the trash can upright and started to pick up all my papers on the ground.

"Do you have a note?" holding out her hand to see the note. I sighed and gave it to her, she quickly read over it and nodded her head.

"Ok, next time you come in late try not to be so loud." She said as she picked up a couple of my papers and handed them to me.

"Ok, sorry about that I didn't see the trash can there." I said as I stuffed the last paper in my binder. She nodded her head and went back to the front of the class, and tried to get the students to stop talking. At that point we only had about 10 minutes left. "Ooops I didn't mean to do that" I thought as I looked down. I started to day dream again tell the bell rang and the school day was over. I grabbed all my stuff and started to walk to my locker. When I got there I saw my friend Fatima.

"Hi fatima" I said

"Oh hi Jayde" She said back

"So what up" I tilted my head to the side a little

"Nothing, how about you?"

"Nothing much too" I said as I unlocked my locker.

"Cool, well I have to go bia" She said as she start to walk away. I waved a little and started to stuff my binders that I need in my red and black bag. I grabbed my blue lunch box and started to walk to my homeroom. When I got there it was full of people yelling and pushing each other. I sighed as someone was pushed into me, "Gosh I hate this homeroom, there to loud" I thought to myself. After what it felt like hours they called the buses and everyone was running/ walking out. I got on my bus and went into the back seat that was meant for one person. I put in my blue ear phones and started to listen to Teenagers by My Chemical Romance. I started to think about who my tutor would be. She said he so is it a guy, or does she still not know. It was about 3:00 when I got off my bus. I started to walk to my white house. I walked up to my door and took out my keychain that has a blue dragon on it, and unlocked my door and walked into my house. It was a little cold inside. It was also silent, my parents are on a business trip and wont be back for awhile. So I have the house to myself unless my sister that goes to collage comes to visit me. I sighed as I took out my ear phones and threw my bag down in the living room and walked into the kitchen. When I got to the kitchen I went to the closet and got a bag of chips and walked back into the living room. "Great now its Home work" I sighed. Lets just get this done with I thought. I started with my L.A H.W, it took me about two hours to get almost all my H.W done. "Now all I have to do is math" I thought to myself. So I pulled out my H.W and right away got confused, but I still tried to do it. "There I am done!" I thought to myself. "Now all I have to do is the dishes, Laundry, and clean my room" I sighed "this is going to take forever" I thought to myself. I got up and walked to get my speakers from upstairs, after getting them I plug them into my phone and blared my Hollywood Undead, Chemical Romance, Trapt and Three days Grace music. I started to do all my chores while singing and dancing around. It was about 5:00 when I finished all my chores.

"I'm hungry" I thought out loud while hearing my stomach grumble. I skipped to the kitchen and went to see what I have. "Now what can I make" I thought to myself, I found chicken nuggets and Fries and decide that I would make that. 6:00 I finally sat down and ate my food and watch some Man vs. Food. After about 2 hours of watching T.V I got up and put all the dishes in the dishwasher and started it. After that I walked upstairs and deiced that would take a shower. After about a 30 minute shower I got dried off and decide to wear some black shorts and my Ninja turtle shirt. After that I brushed my hair and brushed my teeth. After that I went in my room and turned on my T.V and put it on Mtv so it was on ridiculous, then got in my twins size bed and pulled the fluffy blue coves over me and fell to sleep in almost an instant. BEEP, BEEP, BEEP.

I groaned as I awoke from my slumber. I slammed my hand down on the snooze button on my black clock and smiled as it stopped. I was just about to fall asleep tell....BEEP BEEP BEEP.

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