Please believe me!

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I sat there my body shaking from me trying to stop from crying. I tilt my head to the side and look at Jacob. 

"W-what bet? What are you talking about?" I finally say my voice barely above a whisper. I hear footsteps coming towards me and i look up to see him coming close. I start backing up and he most have gotten the hint cause he stoped walking and just stood there looking at me. His eyes still wide, and he opens his mouth to say something before shutting it again. 

"J-jayde yes there was a bet. But after spending time with you i fell in love with you! Please jayde believe me!" His eyes were hurt and he looked guilty. 

"What bet?" i ask again hanging my head low. so he wouldn't see me cry. 

"He made a bet saying that he would be able to get you smart enough to get a good grade on the test you just took" One of his friends spoke up. 

"To be honest I didn't think he could do it" his other friend piped up. I shook my head and let more tears fall as a soft sob escaped my lips. 

"Y-you you lied to me! You said you loved me but you didn't." My voice rises a little "Why was I so stupid to think you would actually like me! I mean people just use me it seems. This is all my fault i am hurt. To honestly think you would care about me was pathetic." I say looking up and give him a small sad smile. 

"Jayde listen! I do love you! You know that i wouldn't do any of that if i didn't!" He yelled at me slightly making me flinch back. He sighed as his voice grew quite again. "I love you jayde"

I shook my head "You don't! You wouldn't its me. Who would like me!" I laugh sadly before saying goodbye and running off. I hear him calling my names. I don't listen, i keep running. My legs brought me to the first place he brought me for our official first date. I sat down on the grass and curled myself into a ball and started to cry. The rain was now dour poring and i sat outside just looking at the view. I was soaked and cold but didn't move. I didn't care right now. I got up and went under a tree to get somewhat dry. I lay down and fall asleep under the tree shivering from the cold.

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