February ninth: consequences

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Its the fourth and today's devotion is consequences. What causes consequences are the CHOICES that we make. God wants us to make good choices so that we may not have to face the wrath of his hand.

     When my friends tell me to come over, I hesistanly say no because you never know what might happen. Something else can happen other than being with your besties, then God would write it down in the judgement book, and then before that, you may probably get bullied. The list goes on.

All I want to say is that you need to make the right choices even when the bad ones seem right. Joseph in the bible made a choice to not stay with poptiphar's wife when she wanted "it" with him. He knew God was going to demolish is life if he did. Make a good choice like Joseph.

Don't get bad consequences.


        If you seem to want to make a bad choice, think about how God would feel. It is really funny how we are doing this in class. It is called choices and consequences. A person wants to make a bad choice but we(the students) are divided in a group of four or five.

We have to make a model or project to help the person change their minds using questions. Like for example, how would your parents feel about it?. Do you get what I am trying to say? Maybe God laid it in my heart to make this devo.

         I am always here if you have questions. Pls comment or pm (a/n private message) me. I love answering questions. I am always here. Right her with God on my side. BTW, my friend who was gay gave his life to Christ and on the bvus, this kid named Eligah was saying pervert words and making pervert sounds. And my friend (a/n not saying name for privacy) came up to the guy while the bus was driving and told him to stop because God was looking at him. I felt so proud him.

That is my testimony for today.

What is yours???

I know this devo is kinda long(a/n writing in my tablet so it feels long). I just wanted to fill in the days I missed.

Love you guys.

Remember I am here.

God is, too. Pm any questions or comment them to feature in a q&a devo.

Love you and God bless.

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