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O my Gosh!!!

Guys, I am alive!!!
If you are a follower or have been checking up on my profile, I have been giving you guys updates on why I haven't been uploading. You all would have had about 5 devotionals but Wattpad was not responding and I felt really bad. I sent them numerous emails to fix this problem.

They finally did and now I am back.

I have gotten some questions on my q&a and I will be answering them soon.
Questions for you all so that we can fill in the gap that was missed.

(If you are on mobile, answer this questions on the side)

How was Thanksgiving for you guys?
How is your spiritual life?
What have you accomplished this year as you look back from January 1st?
What do you want to change as you enter the new year?

*Thanksgiving was okay. We went to a pastor's house with other church members and dined together. The boys played basketball. The girls just talked.
*I am improving on my spiritual life.
*I have started this devotional. I recreated my YouTube channel :)
*Become more prayerful.

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