april 7 : Purity and Sex

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Hello guys. It has been long since I have updated a devotion and I take all responsibility of that.
This devotion for today is kind of hard to explain. Purity means being pure or in other words, humble. God wants us to be pure. Some of you may have lost your 1st kiss with another guy or you may have lost your virginity. But then that doesn't mean that God will disabandon you. Of course, you won't be able to collect it back because it was a treasure from God for your to keep for your husband but it is OK.
All you need to do is ask the Lord for forgiveness and truly mean it. The Lord will accept your apology but the consequence is that the scar will still be there. You will still feel hurt and down because you were mislead to not save it but understand that it is OK because you are now a new creation in Christ Jesus. 1Corinthians 5:17
Lots of teenagers are losing their virginity at such a young age because they want to fit in with the 'group'. Teenagers are becoming parents rapidly and some take abortion.
If you want to date with a guy, have some boundaries. Most people wait for sex until marriage. Others are only holding hands and/or kissing on the cheek. A few are short kisses and hugs. A great role model are the Duggars.
If you are a christian then you may probably know the TV show '19 Kids and Counting'. The couples show an outstanding way to start dating and it also encourages you because of their experiences with courtships.
Lots of you may have heard this word but you may not have known what it meant. Courtship is very different from dating. Courtship is when the person that you are dating is someone that you believe you want to marry. That is why most Christians use the term courtship instead of dating. Mainly because the world has changed the way of dating. Nowadays dating means having sex, kissing,drugs, alcohol, clubs,etc.
I believe that you can hold hands, hug , give short little kisses but the only thing is that you need to be pure. The reason why I believe in short little kisses just because if you have a long one it could lead to something that you may regret. All that I'm going to say is that you should watch out because the enemy is looking for a prey to devour kill and steal and of course destroy. John 10:10.
I believe that I should stop here.
All that I am saying is that you can date but have boundaries because when judgement comes the Lord will ask you that question.
Message me or comment any questions or suggestions for my next devotion.
God bless.

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Twitter: mercy686

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