September 17,2015

116 11 1

Music has to be directed to YouTube to watch. I honestly don't understand Wattpad.

I am now back into my updating schedule.
I just wanted to let you all know that right now I am kind of getting really close to God. I have figured out my talent but now looking for my gift in him. I have been looking at my past books and I just wanted to say that if I don't update as much, It is because I have 2 advanced classes which means more work. I should be doing my Algebra assignment but I am updating just to keep you all in touch.
Also other than that, I am in an after school club and it ends at around 4 when school ends at 2:30. But then after that, I get like homework everyday and I need to focus on my studies since I am already failing Advanced World Geo and Advanced English.
So if I don't update that often, those are reasons and one more is that I am actually writing a new story and I already told you guys about that but it is still in its process and then I have a YouTube channel to keep up with so yeah. Right now, I need to just settle for at least a month and get things right.
I feel like the next few chapters will just be updates instead of devotionals so please bare with me.

Colossians 3:2 (Favorite Verse)

Love you and God bless.

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