40. RM's crush

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My name was so loud in his mind I could beg him to stay forever, but the whole audience responded with mad applause breaking our dream.

"I  have been right! The performance of the year!" Jungkook stormed on stage with a wide grin.

I blushed hard trying to escape backstage but Jungkook caught me forcing me to bow down to the enthusiastic crowd.

"Mr. Park, we need to discuss you changing departments," said the principal raising from his chair when Jungkook hugged me congratulating.

I was so overwhelmed I never noticed Yoongi has left the stage. He was outside the school now what I could see through his perspective.

"Yoongi," I whispered running behind the curtain hoping to catch him before he escapes again.

The corridor leading backstage was almost empty, there was just Jin from orchestra standing at a wall with his instrument.

"Seokjin right?" A low voice sounded so I stopped hiding back behind the curtain.

It was RM approaching Jin who blushed terribly.

"Yes, that's my name, but everyone calls me Jin."

"Great performance there, I was so impressed," RM began to comb his hair back nervously.

"Um... thanks," Jin bowed his head.

"Would you have some time to go somewhere to grab some coffee or dinner?" Said RM when Jin's jaw fell.

"Like... with you?" He asked.

"Like a date?" RM became even more red in the face when I crossed my fingers for both of them, Jin really deserved something amazing.

"A date?" Jin was standing there all buffed.

"I mean, if you prefer women, then... I'm sorry."

"No, I mean... I gladly go with you," Jin's whole face lit up.

"Great!" RM closed his fist triumphantly.

"Min what is happening?" I saw V and Jungkook stopping next to me.

"RM just asked Jin from orchestra out," I whispered.


"Shush!" I placed my finger to my lips looking behind the curtain cautiously to see RM and Jin walking down the corridor talking to each other a bit shyly.

"What about you and Yoongi?" Asked V.

I sighed. Yoongi was on his way to the dorm while I should return to the artier, find some rest after the crazy day.

"Min, he rapped only for you. You can not ignore it anymore."

"That's Yoongi's line," I looked up at my best friend.

"Yes, we can drop you off wherever Yoongi has gone," said Jungkook.

"What we?" V sent him a gloomy look.

"Me and you," Jungkook's face became red.

"What is me and you? Never heard about a thing like that," V crossed his arms.

"I have apologized in front of the whole school," Jungkook's puppy eyes were no joke.

I was surprised they didn't made any effort on V.

"Please, what should I do for you to forgive me?"

V glanced my way so I give him a sign to stop playing.

"I have a few ideas," V raised his brow.

"I'm all yours, whatever you come up with," Jungkook pulled him to his body nuzzling his face into V's neck.

"Why are you touching me?" Asked V.

"I thought you wanted me to repay you with pleasure," Jungkook's sheepish look could melt some stones.

"Ok, let's go to my room, show me what you have to offer, than I decide if it's worth enough to forgive you," V seemed amused.

"It will be more than enough," Jungkook bit his earlobe pulling him in for a deep kiss.

My insides twisted, seeing them all happy. V and Jungkook, RM and Jin. While Yoongi has run again.

"V, we need to help Jimin to get back Yoongi first," Jungkook freed himself off the avalanche of V's kisses who couldn't stop touching him once he started.

"Do we?"

"Yes we do, he's our best friend," Jungkook sighed.

I felt something warm inside at those words, did it mean from now on I had two brothers who will care for me.

"You're right," V and Jungkook communicated without words then turned to me. "Where is Yoongi, we're going there."

"How should I know?" I stuttered.

"Jimin, we know by now that you can read his thoughts," V became impatient.

"That I can what?" I asked.

"Stop playing dumb and lead us."

"But, why are you assuming that I can do something as ridiculous as that," I sighed.

"Too many coincidences," V walked into the corridor pulling Jungkook behind himself.

I said nothing walking behind them to the car park.

"So where is he?" Asked V tapping his foot against the pavement.

I blushed hard lowering my head searching Yoongi's mind.

"I guess he is heading towards my dance class."

"All of it began here so it can end here," Yoongi's whisper was banging in my head.

He leaned against the wall I had pressed him to months ago reminiscing our first kiss.

"Drive faster!" I shouted to Jungkook as I didn't want to lose Yoongi, to lose that connection to his head, the only real bond between us.

Jungkook pressed the gas sending me into the backseat.

"What is he doing? What is he mostly thinking about?" V turned my way. "It's so exciting, what would I do to see into Kookie's head," he sent his boyfriend a meaningful gaze when Jungkook's cheeks became deeply purple.

I guess there's just "lay down V, lay down V," on replay in his head, I thought chuckling.

"What are you mostly thinking about?" V began to rub Jungkook's thigh.

"What are you mostly thinking about?" V began to rub Jungkook's thigh

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Thank you so much for your feedback. Did you enjoy the chapter? What do you think about Namjin happening and Taekook making up? How will Yoonmin's meeting go?

Much <3

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