18. Jungkook's arousal

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I followed him pretending I've never heard it to see him struggling to move a painting that must have been at least five meters wide and ten meters high. I stopped looking at it buffed as it was yes, how to put it, a hyperrealistic act, showing Jungkook perfectly naked giving himself some rough pleasure.

V became purple when our eyes met.

"I hope that's not for the final exam in Mr. Han's class." I couldn't help but grin.

"It's art not porn stop your head Min." V became even more nervous.

"I barely believe you can move it from here." I looked around to discover, yes naked Jungkook's surrounding me from all sides in all possible and impossible poses and sizes.

"You have some imagination." I had no idea if to burst out in laughter or run.

"Ok, think whatever you like." V wasn't looking at me when he pressed that rusty key into my hand. "Ah, and don't bother yourself with all of it." He made a strange gesture while hurrying to the door.

"I won't." My voice must have been the most unconvincing ever but V just disappeared leaving me with that mess of naked Jungkooks who fortunately weren't moaning from the canvas.

I decided to bring my stuff over quickly especially as Yoongi was busy telling juicy jokes to Jin from the orchestra in the Uni canteen.

'You can use all supplies you want just keep what you've seen here top secret.' A text message from V lit up my phone a minute later.

The evening was fading into a long twilight when I pushed a door to a cafe open. I had all my things for the night in a backpack and a sleeping bag under my arm. I decided to grab some coffee on my way to V's artier.

"Hi sexy dancer." An over sweetened tone made me look up to spot Jungkook's ex, the girl I have so carelessly kissed last night staring at me from behind the counter.

I lowered my head unsure how to handle the situation.

"I'd like a latte, take away." I muttered avoiding her face.

"Sure sexy." She began to prepare the drink when I was hoping it will be quick. I never liked to meet my hook ups or random make out partners in public spaces after.

"Here pretty boy, call me if you're lonely." She pointed at my sleeping bag.

"I'm fine." I paid quickly.

"Did you manage to help your friend last night?" Her question kicked me off guard.

Why had she remembered something like that?

"I hope." I stuttered.

"Take care." She smiled when I nodded my head awkwardly walking out with the coffee cup.

I was walking swiftly, taking the shortest possible way to V's artier, closing the metal door before switching on the light.

Jungkook's 10x5 meter masturbation portrait bothered me much, yet I pretend it isn't there getting an unused canvas and paint ready.

I sat down in V's chair. Shouldn't I feel special now, like one of those forgotten artists who is let in into the sanctuary of a huge master and takes his place to allow his genius to wake up in his mind.


The door of my dormitory slammed shut while I decided to close my mind onto Yoongi grabbing for the coffee cup. I lifted it to see a phone number written down, when my insides twisted.

The girl seemed really interested, I could have some fun with her, why was I here alone, feeling so little in the shadow of Jungkook's monstrous..., yeah you know what, while Yoongi... yes Yoongi was walking through the night wearing a jacket over a plain black t-shirt and checked red pajama pants.

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