21. How to crush a party

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I really wished to hit Jin. How could he say it to my crush. Ok I haven't been a saint, but it definitely wasn't half of the campus, and even if... was it really his business.

"What is your problem with me!" I yelled again.

"No one has ever humiliated me as much as you." Jin raised the hand with the bottle spilling some liquid over his suit.

"I apologized!"

"Jiminie that's enough." Yoongi walked between us.

"Do you think your stupid apology matters! Who would accept an apology from such a hoe anyway!" Shouted Jin when I jumped forward to grab him but Yoongi wrapped his arms around me trying to stop me and Jin from demolishing each other.

"Min! Min! What's happening here?" V was pale when he came running our way, grabbing my other arm helping Yoongi to sop me.

"Let me to him!" I was struggling hard when Jin sent me a hateful glance then stumbled back towards the apartment.

"Min. Please calm down, he isn't worth it." V was begging when I stopped struggling panting heavily from fury.

Sudden tears left my eyes. What was just happening.

"Min?" V was worried, but I just walked back to the pool side sitting down hiding my face in my hands sobbing madly.

"Min, speak to me." V's hand landed in my hair caressing it gently.

I felt some else's presence and noticed that Yoongi has taken place next to me.

"He's right... ok... the worst thing is that he's right." I bit my lip to not to cry.

"He is some strange guy who doesn't have friends and wants to let it out on someone." Muttered V pulling me into a hug.

"No... he's right. I'm an asshole, a hoe. I have been sleeping around as if it was ok, just for fun... but there are days when I'm ashamed of myself."

V sighed. I knew he could probably be the last person to understand as he has been keeping his virginity for the right one, his first kiss was Jungkook, first time was Jungkook, first everything Jungkook, while I...

"I'll handle from here." Yoongi's low voice twisted something in my insides.

What if Yoongi has been first? I looked up to meet his dark eyes.

"Ok, if you need me... I'll be right there." V got up walking down the terrace when my heart started to bet extra loudly.

"It's true, I lived like this. I never even felt any regrets. I was proud of myself, raising my self esteem with how easy it was to get girls to bent to my wishes." New tears rolled down my face.

"Amigo, get yourself together, it's not the end of the world." Yoongi was calm when I suddenly fell into his arms sobbing again.

He needed a moment to awkwardly hug me.

"You know how it is... it's just... the body has needs and sometimes it's so easy to fall... you don't even know why or how..." I was bubbling some nonsense to maybe redeem myself in his eyes.

Was it because I was suddenly ashamed of my one night stands, no, not really. I was afraid to lose Yoongi, afraid he won't accept me because he will think I won't care anyway. I'll just have my fun then leave, like with all the others.

"You know... you understand..." I was repeating when sudden images started to play in my head.

A disco, Yoongi a little drunk approaching his ex, them kissing, the man jumping away in shock and Yoongi running.

A rainy day behind a school yard, a teenage girl and teenage Yoongi holding hands, him leaning in touching her lips for the very first time. Her running away crying.

The same girl and her friends spilling drinks over Yoongi in the school cafeteria, calling him names.

That guy who has been Yoongi's ex throwing him on a bed.

"Strip freak." He said with a massive grin.

Yoongi totally terrified.

"I said strip. You will do everything what I want. Or everyone will find out what kind of freak you are." The guy grabbing Yoongi's belt trying to untie it, Yoongi pushing him with all force.
The guy hitting a wall, blood scattering the floor. Yoongi running...

The sudden emptiness I felt was scary when Yoongi let go off me watching me with pure fear. He jumped up sprinting down to the apartment door, disappearing behind it. A second later V was beside me.

"What happened?" He asked.

"I don't know."

I was searching Yoongi's mind, but there was just "pavement, pavement, pavement" repeated like a mantra, so I concentrated on here and now.

"Let's go to mine." Muttered V helping me up.

I nodded feeling so dizzy I needed to grab him under the arm. What would I do in this world without my best friend.

We were walking out quickly when I saw Jungkook surrounded by his clique.

"Bye Jungkook," I waved to him when he pulled a really annoyed face.

"Who are they? Do you know them?" Asked one of his best friends, a son of some airline owner who couldn't play guitar for life, but was one of the most famous and best graded students in the music department.

"I have no idea. I don't even remember inviting those losers." Jungkook shrugged when I felt my blood boiling over again.

"Come. Just come." V pulled me out of the house before I could pass Jungkook another blue eye.

" V pulled me out of the house before I could pass Jungkook another blue eye

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Much <3

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