7. Boy with love

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"My grandma has been the one who has always supported my dance, bringing me to classes, to auditions, even driving around the country for workshops with famous choreographers. My parents were always skeptical, but she was the one who was always telling me Jiminie you are a dancer, just believe in yourself. She died six months ago, this bowl, it has been the last present from her. I was never using it so nothing will happen to it... and... I just don't know. You frustrate me so much, like no one has ever had."

New tears were rolling down my face when I heard him walking to the kitchen to come back in a few moments with a steaming tea cup.

"You needed it." He said placing it on the coffee table then giving me a serious look without that smile.

It was just a brief moment of our eyes locking a second later Yoongi disappeared in his room banging the door shut.

V looked like a ghost, literally when I saw him sitting in a desert corner of the library. The whole table in front of him was covered with opened books, great all showing acts of freaking men painted through history by some of the greatest.

"Are you looking for some D*ck?" I lowered my voice taking a chair opposite to him.

"Min?" His absent eyes landed on me.

I saw his fingers still playing with that necklace like hypnotized.

"Are you? Are you sick?" I didn't know how to put it out so I decided to be straightforward.

V shook his head miserably.

"Are you on drugs?"

Another quick head shake.

"Has something happened in your family? No? Great. So have you been kidnapped by aliens?" I was really running out of ideas on what could have happened to him.

I have known V since middle school and could proudly say that no one has ever been even a bit as closed to him as I was.

"Ok, I'm giving in. Tell me what it is?"

Shrug. A freaking shrug. V do I look like someone who can read that language? I mean I'm freaking pleasing myself to the image of my roommate in my mind, but still, I was shouting in my head noiselessly.

"Please speak to me. I'm going insane from worry."

"Don't worry Min." He whispered not making any eye contact.

"How can I not worry? You're my best friend!" I raised my voice.

"It's a freaking library, people would like to read here." I heard a low voice.

The boy I saw when I turned around had thick dark hair, a leather jacket, heavy boots and really tight jeans. The sleeve of his jacket was uncovering a few tattoos on his palm.

I really boiled over, as that remark was simply rude, even more rude coming from Jungkook, the biggest asshole in history.

"You have to be able to read to be disturbed in the first place." I hissed getting up.

"Any problems there." He grinned in an amused way.

"Yes, you listening my private conversation." I closed my fists.

"And you are?" Jungkook raised his brow.

"Park Jimin..." I stuttered.

Really I wished to have 1% of his confidence.

"I guess you need to line in for a signature behind my other fan girls." Jungkook winked ponting his head towards a group of girls that was standing behind the nearest shelf pretending to be looking for books while all were secretly staring at him.

"You know what..." I took two step closer to that guy grabbing the edges of his later jacket.

"Wow! Easy there! I know I'm hot but tune it down!" Jungkook was still grinning.

"Min! That's enough."

I looked around to see V who has stood up from behind the table so I let go of Jungkook watching my friend who passed us storming out of the library.

"Just by the way, you're totally not my type." Muttered Jungkook walking towards the bookshelf chuckling to himself when I was fighting with the urge to choke him.

Instead I passed his fan girls running down the library stairs but V was nowhere to find.

"Have you seen V?" I asked Yoongi as it has been the end of Mr. Han's class and he still hasn't shown up.


"My best friend, the one with longer hair, a drawing pad, wearing only cream, white, black and gray." I muttered.

"That one who can't paint." Yoongi's sarcastic glance landed on the canvas next to mine that was still covered with a plain black background.

"No, he... he is an art genius."

"Wow, if that's so I finally know how to pass this class." Yoongi did a weird dance to my table grabbing the box with black paint.

He seemed happy when he returned to his seat.

"What do you think could happen to a guy to stop speaking to all friends and yes, stop painting anything else than that?" I pointed at that black hole on the canvas.

"Period." Muttered Yoongi whistling under his breath.

"Honestly?" I turned his way.

The other students were all busy painting and our places were at the back of the room so it was possible to talk without Mr. Han noticing,

"Woman." Muttered Yoongi grinning to himself.

"He's gay." I lowered my tone.

"Man." Yoongi grinned even wider.

"That's not... V is not the person for consuming... if you know what I mean."

"First sex." Yoongi had that hideous half smile again.

"Come on! No... besides who would have sex with V?" I was bouncing on my chair.

Not that my friend wasn't attractive, no, but his personality was extra weird.

"Who?" I whispered falling forward with my chair so that it banged against the floor.

"Mr. Park are you done?" Mr. Han's dark eyes fell on me.


"So focus."

Great. That guy hated me with real passion for no reason.

"If your friend is weird he definitely dates someone as weird as him." Whispered Yoongi behind my back.

Sure, but who would be weird enough to stand V, there was only one person that popped into my head, Jin from the uni orchestra, that guy who was studying to play French horn, the most useless instrument after a triangle.

"I think I know who it is."

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Thank you for reading and supporting I hope you enjoyed the chapter. What do you think about Jimin finally speaking to Yoongi without arguing and his encounter with Jungkook? What about Jimin trying to find out who V is meeting up with? Will he be able to discover his best friend's secret?

Much <3

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