Twenty four : Mad

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Jennie's POV
Class starts in 10 minutes but there are still no signs of Jisoo. Lisa, Chaeng and i are waiting at the school gates looking for her.

"Where is she?" Rosè mumbled.

"Hey, there's Taehyung and..... Yerin? What the f*ck?!" Lisa shouted and ran towards Taehyung.

"Hey Kim!" She called. "Where is Jisoo?!"

"I don't know." He replied coldly while taking Yerin's hand to help her get down from his motorcycle.

"Ew! My eyes! Is this your ideal girl now, Taehyung? A witch dressed as a princess?" Rosè scoffed.

"What did you just call me?!" Yerin snapped.

"What you're supposed to be called." Rosè smirked.

"Why isn't Jisoo with you, Tae?" I glared at him.

"Yerin's brother can't take her to school. Her driver too. So i'm taking her to school."

"Oh really? I thought i heard from my parents that Yerin's father is on holiday because he wanted to spend more time with his kids?" I smirked, glancing at Yerin who had her eyes wide.

"M-my father, h-he uhh.. he's taking my mother to the m-mall." She stuttered.

"I thought you said that rich mother of yours is in America, meeting lots and lots of celebrities and won't be home 'til next week?" I said again.

"S-she's home early.."

"Pft, keep lying, liar!" I rolled my eyes. And just then, water poured down from the sky.

"We better get inside. Come on, Yerin." Taehyung said and led the way in.

"Taehyung, wait!" Rosè called as we reached the school lobby.


"Who's taking Jisoo to school then?"

"I don't know." He shrugged.

"You don't–"

"Probably her driver or someone else. Jinyoung or whatever."

"How can you be so careless?!!" Lisa shouted. "You know her driver is taking his day off! And Jinyoung's already in class!"

"She's got lots of ways." Taehyung shrugged again and walked away with Yerin, not caring about the glares we're sending him.


The bell rang and we looked at the gates one more time before sighing and walking back to class.

Where is Jisoo?

"Good morning students, how are you today? I hope you're all doing great. The weather may not be sunny but it doesn't mean we shouldn't be. Alright, Jihyo, is anyone absent today?" Mr. Suho asked.

"Jisoo's seat is empty, sir." Jihyo, our class president answered.

"Anyone know where she is?" He asked. Before anyone could answer, the door was opened harshly by none other than Jisoo, who was in a terrible condition. She's soaking wet from head to toe, her hair was a mess, her uniform were covered in mud, her eyes were red, and her lips were blue. We all gasped when we saw her.

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