35 ≫ hallucinations

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warnings: s a d n e s s.

(Eliza's POV)

I don't remember much of what happened; it was all mostly in small time increments for me. There was the moment he was killed, the anger I felt towards my biological father afterwards, the screaming. The screaming also resulted in me losing my voice.

The angry crying, Bucky preventing me from going to him... wanting to bring Peter back.

Then my senses started to go all fuzzy, and all I could hear was a high pitched ringing in my ears. My vision began to darken around the sides, and the only image I could see was Peter's lifeless body. Every time I blinked, he was laying there.

My dad's didn't let me see him, something about it becoming worse if I did. And by it, I mean the pain.

The jet ride back to the compound was the slowest plane ride of my life. Bucky stayed behind with Peter's body, because Steve said he would send a separate jet for them. I sat still in my seat, where just an hour before, Peter had been right next to me.

My lips were chapped and beads of sweat ran down my forehead. All I could think of was the fact that he was gone.

But he wasn't. He couldn't be. He wouldn't leave me.

A single tear dropped down from my eye and onto my lap.

When we arrived at the compound and the opening to the jet opened, Steve and Nat tried to help me up, but I just stormed past them and off the jet. My legs felt like jelly, but I still walked. I felt like breaking down crying, but I walked away.

I knew that I should have accepted Steve and Nat's help, but I didn't want to. Because I knew he wasn't gone.

Even if I saw him die right in front of me, in the exact same position my mom had, done by the exact same man, he wasn't dead.


After getting off the jet, I failed to notice Mr. Stark's car still in the driveway. When I got inside, him and Pepper were sitting on the couch, while Morgan played with her toys on the carpet beneath them.

My face was somehow covered in dirt and blood, my hair was falling out of its pony tail, my purple and black suit gloves were slightly torn, and my eyes were dry.

Morgan's tiny face popped out from behind the couch, and she gave me a small smile, making excited noises. I looked up at the noise. Normally when I saw Morgan I would jump up and down with glee, but right then I didn't have any words.

I think Morgan had superpowers or something, because I swear that she started crawling that day. Usually babies only started crawling when they were around nine months old.

She crawled her way over to my feet, Mr. Stark and Pepper just watched her with their mouths wide open.

Mr. Stark laughed in disbelief, and scrambled up from the couch to pick up his daughter. He picked her up and spun her around in the air, "You did it! You're like a damn monkey-"

He stopped when he saw my blank expression, staring straight forward at the wall in front of me.

"Kid? What's wrong?" he asked.

My eyes slowly shifted up to meet his, and my whole body started to shake. I began to sob, and fall forward. Mr. Stark caught me with one arm, and handed Morgan to Pepper. He fully wrapped his arms around me, and I sobbed into his chest.

He glanced at Pepper with a confused look on her face, and she mouthed, "Where's Peter?"

Realization came upon Mr. Stark, and he grasped my body closer, hugging me tightly.

𝐃𝐈𝐄 𝐅𝐎𝐑 𝐘𝐎𝐔, peter parkerWhere stories live. Discover now