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"~Jeremy, you can't just listen. You have to obey. Now repeat after me
Oh, everything about you is so terrible~"

"Everything about me is just terrible.."

"~Oh, everything about you makes me wanna die~"

"Everything about me makes me wanna die"

"~Now you've got it
But Jeremy
Soon you'll see
That if you listen to me
Listen to me
Everything about you is going to be wonderful
Everything about you is going to be so
You won't feel left out or unsure
You won't be ugly anymore

"~Everything about you is going to be cool ~"
"~And powerful ~"
"~And popular~"
"~You wi-i-i-i-i-i-ill~"

"Be more chill!!"

"~ all right Jeremy go watch some TV I want to see what television is like in this universe~"

None of my parents are home so I grab a glass of milk Oreos and a jar of peanut butter to dip it in

I sit in my living room chair where my dad usually sits in and turn on the TV to this dating show

That I always watch.

"~ Jeremy I just came up with the most brilliant idea!~"


" go in the bathroom and get naked"



I didn't want to get shocked again so I did what he said

I walked into the bathroom and locked the door just in case and took of everything.

"~ OK now I'm going to scan you ... don't move.~"


The squip proceeded to scan me. I hate this.


The squip made me start working out every time I saw someone buff on TV.... and now IM IN SHAPE!

It's the day of the Halloween party!


The script is making me wear a costume that kind of looks like I'm glitching which I find pretty cool!

To update on all that has happened in the past weeks let me get to it!

Me and Brooke are dating

Me and Michael completely stoped talking

Brooke has dairy issues-

And Christine kissed me on the cheek!!!

So yea!
I have now arrived at the Halloween party and it looks so cool I stand up straight no hands in pockets I look good as fuck

And I think I'm gonna be the top guy of this party!
Chloe tried to have sex with me!

I didn't want to

The Squip tried to make me

I run into the bathroom in fear and hopes of us keeping Chloe's psycho boyfriend... that found us almost.. you get the point...

I run in and lock the door and I sit on the edge of the bathtub

Lonely souls Michael x FEM ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now