...The Beginning...

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   THE BELL RINGS, and the quiet hallway is now full of mayhem! The sound of cries, laughter and chatter fills my ears as soon as I step out of the classroom. Some kids are running or walking about in the hallway, and some are hanging around near the lockers.

   Personally, I am not a fan of destruction or things being out of order. But this is my every day life. It's hard to believe that I am still not used to it.

   Keeping my head down, and avoiding any eye contact, I manage to reach my locker. It is pretty bare for a typical highschool teen, because all I keep there is a sweater, my drawing pad and pencils, all of my school books, and something else that is very important to me. No makeup and accessories. Or any inner decor.

   After leaving all my books there, I take my drawing tools and head to the school cafeteria. It is already packed - and very loud - but the table at the far end of the room is empty. I grab an apple from the fruit basket and settle at the table. The light above the table is broken, but all the other sources of light provides enough brightness for me. I like it this way. No one else but me, my train of thoughts and art.

   A horde of ideas flood my brain as I open my book. So many, all so good. Some bold, colourful and bright, others dull, lifeless and depressing.

   Suddenly, I notice my hands move. I didn't feel it. I don't even remember picking up the pencil. My brain seems to be asleep - empty. Delicately drawn lines start taking shape of a person. Detail after detail, and the picture comes to life, and my brain finally wakes up.

   The picture looks back at me as I look at it. I never thought of drawing it in my entire life. It was gore, disgusting and yet so realistic. Schrunching my nose in disgust, I inspect the picture. Every tiny detail looks perfect. Like it is drawn from real life.

   But something else is bothering me. Whenever drawings like this comes out of me, something is bound to happen. Fate is to decide whether it is going to be good or bad.


   Time flew by right before my eyes. Lost in my own thoughts, I didn't even notice that the cafeteria is deserted. No-one not even the lunch lady is here.

   Exhaling deeply, I pickup my things and get up in order to leave the room

   A few twists and turns, I reach the hallway. No-one is here either. The next period has already commenced. Quickly, I go to my locker, leave my stuff there, take my science books and notebook, and turn around - only to bump into something.

   "Oops! Sorry," the janitor mumbles before walking towards the school gym. Weird!

   Shrugging it off, I rush to the lab - experiment day! - and burst into the room without a thought. Whilst making my way to the back of the classroom, someone clearing their throat catches my attention. When I turn around, Mrs. Kindlewick addresses me with a glare. I can feel my face heat up as anxiety fill me. I hate being in the centre of attention.

   "Why are you late Miss Bronze?" She asks, putting her gloves on like she is about to start a surgery.

   "I....," my mouth hangs open as I try to find the right words. "Had to go to the bathroom." I finish. "It was an emergency. I'm sure that you get it. Don't you?"

   She sighs and asks me to take my seat. I settle down and put my books on the seat next to me. I am the only one who sits at this table. Everyone else is paired up.

   Mrs. Kindlewick explaining the properties of Acids and Alkali, scans the classroom. Her eyes - big and wide behind those glasses - land on me. A smile tugs the corner of her lips for a tad second and disappears. I feel shivers slither down my spine.

   Ignoring everything that is happening around me, I throw my head back and stare at the swift motions of the fan above me. The colour of it's wings are a blur in my eyes as I concentrate on the whirl of wind it throws at my face. My eyes close slowly, feeling completely relaxed.

   As soon as it is shut all the way, images of my parents form in my brain one by one. I see the love in their eyes, the kindness in their smile and the love that is visible between them. And towards me. The warmth of the thousand kisses they showered on my face also creeps up to the surface. Out of all, the only thing I could focus on, was the strength of the hug they held me in before -

   "RUN!", someone's scream pulls me out of my imagination. The next thing I know, all of us are running down the hallway, towards the exit.

   Teachers, students, everyone is screaming. I have never seen so many kids in the hallway before. All the classrooms are empty. No wonder. We all don't have the same schedule to follow at school. So most of us haven't met.

   I am literally being pummeled towards the exit as the crowd is pushing as they run - for their lives it seemed. While I was trying to keep myself unharmed, I hear some conversations about an explosion that is going to happen in the lab. I was just there!

   My heart rate is accelerating by the second. Not because of the running. But because of fear. This is the first time I felt this way after the incident.

   Suddenly, I feel a shaft of pain in my stomach. I think something hit me hard in the run. My feet is starting to give away. I doubt that I can make it out. It hurts so much! My stomach feels like it is about to burst! My vision goes blurry because of unintentional tears.

   Unable to move any further, I move into the first room I can find. The library. It is empty and all I notice is the smell of books, and a hint of perfume and body odour. The place looks like a maze. But the librarian's desk was right by the big antique clock. It looks stable. I think it might be a safe option to hide there from falling debris. If the explosion doesn't kill me first that is.

   I limp toward the desk, which was on the other side of the room and lie down under it. My hands are on my stomach, and tears on pain and fear rolled down my face. I feel light headed, like I am about to pass out, and if this is the end of the world right now, I only wish for one thing. To have Snowflake with me.

   As I fall unconscious, I hear the explosion.

Word count; 1170.
Is that good? Idk! It's my first story so there will be a little tweaks.
Vote and comment if you like it! I really like getting feedback LOL!
I know it's short, but I will try to make the next one long.

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