...The Uprising...

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   I wake up to the sound of pounding and screaming. I scramble onto my feet - my knife in my hands - and look around. My hair pokes my eyes making it water. It is disheveled from last night.

   The sounds are getting louder. I notice lime-green light seep through the paper from tiny spots. All the windows are dark overall. But I notice movement outside. Shadows. Scared, my legs move foward. My eyes are darting around and my fingers are curled around the handle on the knife, I stop infront of a window. The paper that I left free - not fully pasted - was hanging right below  my stomach.

   Gulping in a mouthful of air, I bend down and hold the corner of the paper. My hand, however, is not moving. I am too scared to see what might be on the other side of the glass.

   Reluctantly, I lift it up and look outside. The sun shines in my eyes and the coast seems clear. Just as I sigh in relief, a screaming zombie's head pops into view. An involuntary scream escapes my mouth as I back away.

   The pounding is getting stronger. Louder. Only now do I remember that this is a one-storey building, because I hear footsteps over head. They have me surrounded! My eyes are darting around and my arms move around as my brain pounders on a way out of this. I bite my nails and grab my hair in frustration. I shouldn't have come here in broad daylight yesterday! They had obviously seen me!

   This may have been going on since last night. I can tell because climbing this building is not as easy as it seems. Though it is one-storey it is very tall compared to a normal place. It is a store after all. Plus, I remember trying it out a few years back to get something the school bully threw up there. It was my book bag, but I couldn't care less after five minutes of hard work trying to get it back.

   I grab a duffel bag and stuff it with food, drinks and a first-aid kit. I also put in a few knives and a water gun - as a distraction and weapon - after filling it with alcoholic drinks. Hoping that it might sting their eyes.

   I go near the door in slow, forced steps. I notice a lighter on the cash register and a phone too. I take it and check the time. 7 :26 - in the morning. I stuff it both in my bag and stand infront of the door, planning my great escape in my head.

   It suddenly becomes silent. I hear a crack from somewhere in the room. I look around, fear growing in me. It is coming from a window on the opposite wall from where I am standing. My chest is heaving up and down with each shaky breath I take.

   I notice the figures outside move towards the window, leaving the doorway free. I make my move and grab the door handle, just as the pounding starts. Every one of them are attempting to break into the place. How strong are they? That is eight inch thick!

   I fumble with the lock trying to open the door while looking over my shoulder in fright. The crack is getting bigger with each ounce of force which is being applied to it. I manage to unlock it just in time. Behind me the glass shatters and the horde of monsters push over one another trying to get in.

   I tighten my grip on the handle of the bag and throw the door wide open. I had grabbed a second water gun - just incase. I rush out of the store and look back. I see some of them still struggling to get in while the others are coming after me.

   I run and run through this concrete jungle. With every twist and turn, I am greeted by a zombie. Where is everyone? I keep running, hoping to find help. But nothing.

   After a while of running around, I spot a forest up ahead. Why have I never seen it before? There are buildings to the right and left. And the zombies are still behind. But they do seem to be tired.

   I also slow down, trying to catch my breath. My side hurts, and I feel like I just ran a marathon. It is quite hard to breath properly with the thick green fog. But I am getting used to it.

   A few more jobs and I reach the forest. I move through it, not knowing which path leads to what place. I still hear the zombies behind me, but it sounds very far away. I decide to change to walking for the time being. Still surprised that I managed escaped there clutches. Twice!

   Looking up at the trees and the - from what it seems - green sun, I continue my walk. There is such a thick fog that I can barely see.

   My stomach growls. Tired, I sit under a shady tree and open my duffel bag. I drink a mouthful of water, wanting to save more for later, and satisfy my hunger by eating an apple and half a bag of Cheetos.

   After I put everything away, I rest my back against the rough trunk of the tree and try to collect my thoughts. I want get Snowflake back so much! My eyes tear up as I think about him. Squeezing my eyes shut and biting my lower lip, I cry. I don't know what to do. I don't know if I will survive.

   Suddenly a hand covers my mouth, and it is obviously not mine. I look up and see a person wearing a gas mask. At least I hope it is a person. He smells just like a zombie. Rotten. He even has a gun in his hands, pointed at me. I look at him wide eyed, his hand is still on my mouth. I can't think straight. What is happening? Who is he?

   Before anything could happen, I hear the zombies. Closer than ever. The sound of breaking twigs, and screams echo in the air. And I see them. They look more like moving skeletons now. Most of them barely had any skin, leaving the rotting bones and internal organs exposed.

   I feel myself being lifted to my feet. The person had pulled me up without me knowing. He is sprinting away now. I grab the duffel bag and follow him. I don't know why, but it felt like the right thing to do. I wish I had taken shoes back in the store. My feet are hurting even more now.

   I still run. But I can't catch up to him. He was too fast. "Help!" I scream as loud as I could. I notice the man turn around and run back to me. My feet hurt so much, I limp as I run.

   He is next to me within seconds. I felt his arm slide around my waist and behind my knees. He is going to carry me? And he does. Bridal style. The bag rests on my stomach as he runs - lightning speed. My weight doesn't seem to bother him at all.

   I look over his shoulder and see that the zombies are being devoured by the fog. One by one they disappear. Even the sound has decreased. I sigh in relief  and put my head against his chest. I don't know why I am blindly trusting a stranger to help me. But he did save me just now. And now he is carrying me out of the thick bush of greenery.  But where and most importantly, who is he?

Word count ; 1292.
I personally like long chapters, but each chapter will be of different length right?
Plus what do you think is going to happen?
A/N : I would really appreciate it if you vote or comment, cuz I just want to know whether you enjoy it or not. Also..... pls follow me for more updates.
Thank you💕

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