The Way It Isn't Meant To Be

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(Evie's POV)

We race down the entirely empty corridors of Auradon Prep, hand in hand. My legs seem to work without permission. Magical little birds chirp outside, and thin rays of sun push in from the windows, illuminating the golden details around. Ben got a pretty day, is all I can think. Yeah, he got what he desired and you didn't. Live with it. You don't always get what you want, especially if someone else wants it too. Mal, skipping in front of me, seems so joyful and, well, free, that it's hard for me not to smile; I guess the lack of people is sucking away her anxiety, giving the girl some space to breath. When we come across Jay and Carlos's dorm, she suggets we sneak up to the boys, but I tell her to let them sleep. Because I just can't risk getting distracted. 11:53am. And I very well know Jay and Carlos aren't even in there. They're out in front of the school, like everyone else. Preparing our arrival. . . 

"Where the fuck is everyone?" Mal wonders as we walk on. She pauses for a moment to squeeze my hand. "Not that I'm complaining though. It's nice to be alone, E." As she glances over her shoulder at me with a genuine, happy smile, a sort of a lump starts forming in my throath. It's making swallowing twice as hard, but I still go along. I'm not letting go of Mal's hand, even when my palms start to sweat. I'm not.

When we reach the high landing of the stairs that stand before the front door, it's everything I can do not to turn around and dash straight back to our dorm, pulling Mal with me. To take her away. Everything I can do not to yell at her to stop as she starts on the stairs. Pull on the act girl, I tell myself. You feel like shit, but it's got no matter now. Let Mal live. Smile. So I curve my lips to a pleased expression, completely defying my heart. Really, it's okay now; 11:55am. I've got to let go.

(Mal's POV)

For quite a moment after Evie and I push open the front door, it's impossible to make out what's going on outside; bubbles and tiny pieces of purple confetti are flying around, the bright sun's glistening down at us and dazzling my vision, there are people and flowers everywhere, and every face is wearing a wide smile. What is this?! Dumbfounded, I turn to Evie, and see my expression reflect on her face. But as soon as she looks at me, a smile grows on her lips. "What the hell's going on?" I whisper at her, but she doesn't answer, only her smile widens. She gives me a wink and my mind starts to race. Wait. Wait a second. Did Evie know about this?  Did she know and I didn't? Wait. Could this be a. . .a surprise for. . .me? Suddenly, Ben appears at my side out of nowhere, beaming. He laughs at my startled expression and grabs my hand, and I realize I'm still clinging onto Evie. I shoot my best friend the last confused look as Ben starts making his way through the crowd, tugging me with him. Evie's still smiling, but she seems a bit weird, and for once I don't know why.

"A beautiful day, isn't it? So beautiful I decided to arrange a little feast," Ben says, gazing at the the cloudlessness of the sky as we walk past the people. 'Little' wouldn't be the word to describe what's happening around us now. "I see," I reply, still confused. "For what though?" Ben locks eyes with me for a second, and then looks up at the pastel blue again. "Well, there's this one special thing I want to celebrate," he smiles. And that's all I get. Ben's walking towards a small stage in the perfect center of the feast, that's surrounded by blooming lilies and roses. I realize that I'm also walking towards it with Ben, and that, as we stop in front of the step, he wants to pull me up on there. What? Why?  "Come on," Ben whispers calmly as I hesitate, so I relax and step on to the stage along side with him.

Now I realize the actual amount of people in this so-called feast; seems like all of Auradon has their stare locked on the stage, at me and Ben. But why are all these people here? Why am I on a stage? Why are Ben and Evie so secretive?  My best friend flashing through my mind, I look around trying to spot her. And soon enough I see a blue head nearing the front lines with a white and a brown one. Jay and Carlos? Wait, they knew too? So everyone except me did? What is going on?! As Evie steps out into the view, I notice the grin has disappeared. She's fiddling with the frills of her dress absent-mindedly. The chocolate eyes staring at the heels I was wearing like ten minutes ago.

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