Well Together, Well Forever

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(3rd POV)

"I hate you guys," Mal growls from between her chattering teeth as she gets dragged out into the open air of the Isle. The morning, night more like, is freezing, she's tired and exhausted and should not be awake yet. Not by her schedule, never. "Well, you won't for much longer," Jay shrugs and continues to pull her across the damp street. Mal's iconic eye-roll follows his statement, much expected by Jay who only laughs it off. Which obviously annoys Mal even more.

Due to the lack of food, even though it is gradually getting easier, Mal has been acting like a minefield recently. Push one wrong button, and she'll expload. And there is no return, no undo button; once she loses her temper, there are only a few people that can tame Mal back down. One, exactly. Evie Grimhilde. That girl is the only one who Mal has trusted her whole self to, the only one that she lets break down the walls that form her tough exterior. Evie will know exactly what to let out of her mouth, to hug or not to hug, who to balme and who to kill in any situation with Mal, and even Jay and Carlos are starting to get convinced that it must be telepathy. Mal can literally tell what Evie's thinking from the way she sits, so they do have their point. It's unbelievable really how attached the two girls are. They have this own world, a space, of theirs in which they far too often escape, sometimes even accidentally, to simply be with one another. Yet what is even more unbelievable, is that there are exceptions to that sometimes.

The past few days have been, for instant, ones of those times. Something unexplainable has triggered Mal to yell at Evie, and Evie yelling back, and then the two groaning in frustration and storming off to do things alone. Alone, not together. Many times over and over. It's like the birds had all of a sudden stopped singing, that's how bizarre it is for Mal and Evie to act like this.

Jay and Carlos are, lightly expressed, utterly helpless. No matter how much of a family the four are, the boys will simply never learn to fully understand how Mal and Evie work. They don't understand their united mindsets and hearts and what in the name of Hell could've managed to damage them. They are positive that it's not any of their actions that did it, since the four have been living together and coping with each other for forever and neither Jay nor Carlos could do or say anything that the girls wouldn't know how to handle at this point. So, not knowing any better, they checked it off as a result of all the hunger and let it be. Let it solve itself off, as Carlos put it.

But now, it has been days. The yelling hasn't stopped. This matter is clearly too grave to solve itself off, looks like it needs a couple of masterminds to do that for it.

Evie glances at the purple head crossing the street as she tries to escape from Carlos's, surprisingly firm, clutch. That moment, she sort of just really wants to pull every single strand of hair out of it. She doesn't know where the boys are dragging them, but wherever it is, she does not want to go with Mal. Not right now. "Carlos, what are you doing?" she snarls in a threathening tone. But the boy only shrugs, smirking to himself, and answers, "If I told you, you probably wouldn't want to go." Evie has to dig her free hand's nails into its palm to prevent herself from screaming from the bottom of her lungs. Carlos hasn't done anything wrong, technically, but Evie just seems to get pissed off by everything lately. And that, would be Mal's fault.

Evie sure knows that nobody reacts well to continious hunger, but the fact that it's Mal who she's fighting with every day now just doesn't feel right. Somewhere deeper, below all the layers of frustration and anger, there's a painfully blank spot that is craving to be filled with purple like it normally is. The spot that aches as she watches Mal settle down against the wall and trail off to sleep there rather than coming to sleep with Evie on the small bed they normally always share. It makes her miss the little, or maybe huge, something that has been absent lately. Yet still, the annoyance is so great that she, as a proud young woman, will never be the one on her knees, begging for someone to return. If Mal wants to be mean, she'll be mean back.

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