Love By The Bullet

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(Mal's POV)

"M, my eyes hurt," Evie mumbles in a worn-out whisper that reaches my ears through the dimness of the dorm. The movies have been running for hours now, so no wonder she's getting tired. Honestly, I've also been on the tip of falling asleep for the whole of the last movie, but sure kept my mouth shut. I didn't want to ruin the dream-like moment. Simply the feeling of Evie lying on my lap, her head resting on my chest and hands under my shirt, while I run my fingers down her bare back again and again, was way too precious to be broken. But now we're literally both fighting a full battle to keep our eyes open.

I grab the remoter without a word and turn off the TV. As I make a move for the curtains, Evie lifts her head from my chest, wraps herself securely around me, the spark in her tired eyes, and whispers, "Just leave them open. I know you like it." I fail to keep in the small 'aww' from bubbling out of me, and entangle my hand into my lover's hair. We share a tired, yet so unbelievably happy, smile, and then Evie softly brushes her lips against mine. Knowingly teasing me. I scrunch my face, as if offended, and then properly pull her in, sucking on her lower lip to earn the quiet moan. Evie wastes no time before licking my teeth and falling into me in a way she knows to make me feel right. Make me feel loved. And happy, oh so happy. In a way only she, only this girl that I've been loving for God knows how long, can.

Evie's hand creeps on mine like she hand't just been making out with me, innocently that's how. And suddenly, there she is again, crying. Those tears that are of love, launched by such a small, flirty action. She curls up against me, placing her face only millimeters away from mine, as I tuck the cover over us both and stroke her cheek. She closes her eyes, clinging on every bit of my touch. "Honey, you can cry," I breath out. "I'll always be here, to wipe your tears off." My words trigger even more sobs from the girl, her hands now roaming around to hold me to her forever. I squeeze Evie and all of her tears. Oh gosh, she's so weird. And oh gosh how I love it. I loved it since the very beggining.

(3rd POV)

Once again, multiple days have passed without any food. Nothing to eat, other than small, raw, slimy fish that can't keep anyone satisfied. There are no merchants on the crapped alleyways usually filled with the smell of roasting bread and fish. No violent fights everywhere around, no one has the energy, or the blood, for that. There's no shop or restaurant open, even Ursula has closed down. All there is are shut doors, sick children, and desparately hungry people. Even water has started to taste dry.

Phases like this are fairly common on the Isle of the Lost, where at least thirty percent of deaths are caused by starvation. The population is starting to get used to the seasonal suffering. Yet it still doesn't feel nice to try and get sleep on a no-real bed and with an empty stomach screaming to be filled. For instant, Evie Grimhilde has been praying for anything to eat for all of the sleepless nights filled with hours of useless turning and tossing, and this one is no different. The continuous growling of her stomach is starting to get into her head, and she has been about so close to giving up. You know, just letting go of life since it seems to get no better.  And she probably would have done so, if it wasn't for a certain purple-haired girl right next to her.

Mal's lying on one of the two small 'beds' of their hideout, an arm draped around her best friend. She's basically on top of her, the bed being so thin, but the two couldn't give a fuck. They've been in this exact position so many times before, and just like, known each other since literally birth, so they don't even think of it.

Evie lets out a loud moan and locks her eyes on the sky outside the window. She'd say it's well past midnight. Her hand wanders to play with Mal's purple locks as the latter turns her gaze to the girl. "E, tomorrow we'll go and see the dump. You know, for anything possibly edible," Mal's whisper carries through the cool and hanging air of the night. Evie looks at the girl with lost hope in her eyes. "I would cry right now if I had anymore liquid in me to form any tears. I swear it hasn't been this bad before," she says with a cracking voice. Mal holds Evie's hand in hers while letting her snuggle closer, and says, "We'll make it out alive. I promise. Like always before, we'll survive." Evie notices her heart feeling a little lighter every second spent with her best friend. She's sure she would be dead if it wasn't for the girl. "I love you," Evie breaths so quietly that only Mal can catch it. She does, and clinges on to it, a genuine smile, first one in days, forming on her lips.

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