High Tide

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(Mal's POV)

The exact girl I want right now. The only thing on my lovestruck mind. She's standing right there in the doorway, frozen on the spot by confusion, her expression startled as she watches my flowing tears and the mess I've become. Slowly her worried gaze shifts to the paper in my hand, and then back to my puffy face as comprehension takes over her. I see the tackle of words in her throath. The speed of her racing mind.

And so I waste no time.

Standing up, I close straight up to Evie and crash my lips onto hers. The girl tenses, extremely surprised and unprepared, I know, panicking furiously inside her head. But all the undefeatable passion and love that just erupted inside of me guide my mind towards the one desire on it, and so I don't let go. No. I will never. Instead, I slowly pull our waists together and wrap my hands tightly around Evie, not ever stopping on the, still, soft kiss. And just like that, I succeed. I succeed on Evie.

I feel the whole of her body suddenly melting into my touch, I can almost hear every single thought of worry or pain shoot out her brain as her hands find their way securely behind my neck, and she falls into the kiss. This is a dream. It feels like a dream. Evie, my best friend, kisses me back with double force and passion, crying tears of joy at the same time and smiling into the kiss. It's surreal. Makes me feel so loved, by the person I carve for. And I want everything else but stop.

I slam Evie against the frame of the door, not even caring that the door's still open and people could see us. It doesn't matter. Nothing matters but Evie. I love her. Evie grasps my hair as we deepen the kiss, our tongues sofly brushing together as she takes the cue and slides her's across my bottom lip. This is so natural. It's as if we were born for this, and just waited for the moment to arrive. We knew it would, because this is meant to be. Everything I ever wished for. Gosh, why did we wait so long?

"M," Evie whispers as she pulls back, our lips now only millimeters apart. I drown myself into her deep brown, tear filled eyes, our smiles growing happier and wider every second in each other's arms. Evie simply gazes back at me, so emotional, so ready for this love. She finds her hand to gently caress my cheek, and I mold into her touch as she continues, "M, why did we wait so long?" I chuckle out more tears, remebering my own thought just before. "I don't know, E, I don't know. All I know is I want this. I need this. I'm so ready for this," I whisper back, making Evie moan and kiss me fiercely again.

(Evie's POV)

Mal's hands thight around my waist. Her soft, plump lips repeatedly opening and closing against mine. Me in her such close presence, our hearts firing up in a way I didn't know they could. I cry. Because this is just so damn perfect. I can't process it. I can't get over the fact that this is reality. We are finally here. She loves me. She wants me. And I want her more than I want to live.

I won't allow for this moment to ever end.

Mal quietly pulls back, shutting the still-ajar door, taking me by both my hands and guiding me to the bed. She's in control now, and I happily let her be. I happily comply to her every move. She pushes me up to sit on the high bed and tucks herself in between my legs. Mal's admiring gaze follows mine as she strokes my hair, her lips barely apart from mine. "I never knew what a writer you are, Evie," she whispers in a little raspy, teary tone. A blush raises on my cheeks with the thought of what Mal looked like when I entered, having surely read my letter just before. I pull her closer, fold my legs around her body and take her hands into the process. "Every single thing on that paper was meant for you. Because of how much I lov-" I get cut off by a pair of lips. My hands fly on Mal's neck and she holds me by my back, as we glue together with the kiss. We can't have enough.

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