Mine For Infinity

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(Evie's POV)

Fairy Godmother's wand. Once again, we are after it. The way things often turn out full-circle amazes me more than it should, especially seeing how much people, or the situation, can and do change during those circles. We sure are after the wand again, but for a polar-opposite reason to the last one. This plan is supposed to lead to Mal of all people back to Auradon, whereas the previous wand-stealing attempt, led by Mal herself, was going to be resulting in this magical place being taken over by the evilest villain of all time. Funny, isn't it.

Everything seems so much more complex. Last time we were cowards doing as we were told, trying to please the unpleasable. I was just dangling along. Whereas now I have the strongest reason in the world for needing the wand in my hands so unbelievably desparately; a rescue of a soulmate. My soulmate. Mal is my loved. My past, present and, hopefully, my whole future. Mal is my girlfriend. Even the amount of tears I've already given her absence in astronomical.

And from the role I have in our very much genious plan, anyone will be able to see I'll do anything to get her heart back against my heart.

Even if I not much earlier wanted to rip all of his insides out, having Ben on our side now is a direct blessing. He's basically the source of this whole idea and the mastermind behind the plan, because he just knows so much. I mean, sure, he is the king, but still the detail of his explanations is so great and the random little useful bits of information that his mind has stored are so many that I can't help but feeling my hopes simply rise and rise as the moment nears. He, for instance, obviously immediately informed us about the transfer of the wand that occured after someone, us, last tried to get hold of it. It's no longer kept in the museum, where it not very smartly used lie, but in a highly electronically surveilled safe room which one can only access through Fairy Godmother's very own office. Things really love to complicate themselves these days.

Carlos is holding my hands to keep them from shaking as we lean against the corridor wall some thirty feet from the white door, in our plan called 'target', of the headmistress's office. Waiting with our ears perked for the time of action. Both standing with our weight a bit more forward than usual, as if ready to run any second. Like we are. My heart is racing faster rather as a cause of excitement than nervousness. It is so gratifying to be doing something completely unallowed, especially seeing what for. I feel like we are sort of rising against the authorities, one in particular, of the school and giving them a shot of their own medicine. You taste unfairness this time. Bitter? Tell me about it.

Feeling Carlos squeeze my hands for stability sends my thoughts back to all those times with Mal. Her hand is made for mine, I swear they were sculpted as one but torn apart at birth. When someone else has my hand in theirs, even if I like it, there's usually a solid reason behind it. With Mal it's so different. She simply loves to feel my skin on hers. She wants to be linked to the girl she loves. She holds my hand because she holds my hand, were it while walking, when falling asleep, or, my favorite, subtly under the table. And she herself has said all this to me. No wonder there isn't anymore space left for anyone else in my heart.

Any second now. We saw Jay and Ben exit quite a while ago already, as we bid each other the last 'good luck's, so they should be ready soon. Or are already. Their job is to start a fake fight at the tourney field, to create disturbance of course. Here, fights draw people like spoiled food draws flies, no question all the adults, so said possible threats, will be gone in a flash within at least a floor's radius. And as it is commonly known that Ben isn't Jay's number one favorite person, and vice versa, they shouldn't gain too many odd looks. For the others it'll just look like a sudden, useless fight between two guys, yet for us, it's the cue of action.

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