Chapter 3: Study Battle

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Rosa's Pov

Taking the Pokemon to the daycare was no problem. the couples who own the place know of my missions and offer to give the Pokemon a good home. one at a time though. if they were shown together, we all will be in trouble

"Sweetie, I know this is a very nice thing your doing for the Pokemon, but stealing is wrong" the daycare lady frowned "you're a fine young lady and I would hate to see you in jail" I snorted and looked at my Pokemon playing with Larry's Pokemon, actually, they are not his anymore

"I don't care what you think. this is my job and I'm sticking with it" I said blankly

"You're not scared that you might get caught?" The daycare man asked

"No, if I have Meloetta and Chingling on my side, I can't be touched" Meloetta flew over to me

'You do care!' She giggled. I rolled my eyes and returned everyone but Mareep

"Shut up" I muttered. she giggled, sat on my head and started singing. I closed my eyes and soaked in the beauty of her voice. it feels like a rain of warm marshmallows soaking your cold heart to keep warm...

After she was done. I looked at the couple "thanks for doing this" they nodded

"You sure you don't want a jacket? It's very cold for you to show so much skin..." I closed my eyes

"Don't worry bout it" I walked out the door and felt the cold breeze hit me. I covered my arms to keep warm

"Mareep, come here" she walked over and walked into my arms. her cotton body kept me warm "good.." I sighed and looked at Meloetta floating next to me "take me back to the city, I like to spend this money here" I looked at the money I stole from Larry and sold the bag in Striaton City

Meloetta made a face and looked the other way "what?"

'I do not like you taking money from People, Rosa'

"You gonna start again? You help me steal Pokemon. what's the difference?" She huffed and crossed her arms

'You're rescuing Pokemon. That's the difference' I glared

"So you're not going to teleport me home" home? I don't even have a home... that apartment isn't even mine. thinking about that made me feel like total crap. I'm poor and I use my Pokemon to help me steal food. forget a job. my job is to take Pokemon away from foolish humans

'I will take you to the apartment when you donate that money' I looked down at the money and gave it to her. she took it and looked at me

"Fine, take the damn money..." she frowned, disappeared and came back empty handed "just take me back to the city" she held her heart for a moment. then teleported me to a place where someone just ran into me and threw me into the fountain

He's dead!! I didn't care what he had to say, the only thing I remember from his mouth was that his name was Mate... or was it Bait? I don't know and I don't care. all I know is that I'm soaking wet in the middle of the damn city! Freezing my butt off!

"Meloetta!!" She laughed and teleported me to the apartment that I have been using. thank everything no one rented out this place yet. the airports are closed from the harsh weather, so many rooms are booked. I'm lucky no one took this yet

I washed my long wet hair and bathe in the bath tub while I tied my hair up to let the shampoo, that I stole from the staff, work its magic

I toweled dried my hair and looked at my Pokemon resting on the bed. I smiled and laid on the wall while looking at the window showing the sunrise. I think I could see that Bait guy in a building across from our room, looking out the window. I rolled my eyes, remembering how he ran me over...

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