After the events of Pokemon: Shadow Hunter

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In Liberty Garden:

Her mission was to capture Victini so that Team Plasma could be victorious in everything. that was the power that it gave off

There was a girl with shiny dark brown hair with two ghost types by her side. she had said her name was Angel, and caught the fact that the Team Plasma members name wasn't Jade, it was another.

Angel had a type of heart that the TP member felt, she had bright blue eyes and a powerful voice that told and understood what this member felt, but had refused to listen...

"Your heart is full of darkness... You hold so much sadness... You feel abandoned... alone" how could she possibly know this of a stranger she just met..?

The TP member refused to listen to her, even though the member knew it was all true, but did not want to admit it. she was not alone and she was not sad!

Angel somehow was able to make the member cry... even though she hasn't cried in years. she let Angel take Victini, she no longer wanted to be in the same room with Angel, hating what she is doing to her heart...

Before the member could leave, the ghost type made the girls look at each other. Angel had such shine in her eyes... the member never seen so much...

"You have a bright heart... until we meet again, I love to see it shine so bright that roses do bloom when you smile. the only way to do that is to face any fear and sadness you have..." enough of this... why does the member's heart hurt so much..? After she was released, she ran to the roof and pulled on her hair angrily

"She doesn't know me... so how is it that she can make me feel warm..?"

'Young Child...' A voice called. the member looked up and saw a Pokemon with music bar-style streaks in its green hair. It wore a dress, a mic on its ear and blue eyes. the member looked at it surprised

'Do you like the warmth you feel inside your heart?' It asked. the member looked down and held her heart

"Does it matter? Warm or not, it's not going to change my mind about getting what I want" the member retorted. the Pokemon giggled and floated over to her hood and dropped it "hey, what are you-" the Pokemon released her bun and released her beautiful long hair out for the air to blow through it. the member took in the fresh air and stared at the Pokemon smiling at her

'Beautiful' it smiled and cupped its hands together 'now do join me young Rose...' it started singing the most beautiful tone the member had ever heard. it warmth her heart and she can't help but join right in

Singing was peaceful and it indeed makes her insides warm and happy. she enjoyed this feeling... even if it did last for not too long. the song was finished and the member released one of her psychic Pokemon

"Don't waste my time you worthless Pokemon" she hissed at the Pokemon who sang with her and teleported away. the Pokemon giggled and followed after her

In N's Castle:

"Halt! No one shall pass me without a fight!" The member hissed while Angel was on her way to find N. the member had heard so much of this girl. she over heard the Shadow Triad saying that she understands the hearts of both Pokemon and people, saying that she knows how they feel...

The member will not be fooled, she is not going to let Angel stop the liberating of Pokemon. Pokemon don't deserve to be with such terrible humans... they have to be happy...

"Do you even know what he's planning to do?" Angel asked

"Of course I do! I'm not an idiot! He's planning to liberate all Pokemon!"

"And where will that put you?" At that moment, the member realize if she freed her pokemon, she truly will be alone... humph! Not that she cared... " are lonely" that made the member snap. she wasn't lonely! She's not lonely! She doesn't need anyone to make her feel better! Being alone... is something she's always been use to... The look of Smeargle just crushed her. no...

Angel finally had her to be quiet, Angel was being annoying "you are lonely, aren't you?" She asked. The member didn't answer, she didn't want to feel that pain in her heart again... that coldness stabbing her heart after the warmth disappears

"Your heart is dimmed by your fear of being alone. you know exactly what will happen, you are afraid that it will make you lonelier, and yet... your bright heart still had the ability to care for Pokemon, even though a heart that is dimmed blocks out every emotion in your body. I know from personal experience" she was right... she did care about Pokemon. Pokemon saved her life when she was younger... no matter what emotions or no emotions she had, the erg to help poor Pokemon was in her soul more then her heart...

Angel smiled and gave her a Pokeball "what's this?" The member asked while taking it

"A Pokemon that is willing to take care of you and love you..." the members eyes watered "it's looking forward to meeting you... I asked her if she wanted to be your friend. it's just so you won't be lonely..." a Pokemon... Is willing to love her and be by her side... but... Pokemon should be free, and yet... it chose to follow a complete stranger?

"Because... you have a bright heart that sought a bright future" a bright future, that's hilarious. after her parents died, there was no future for her. she's nothing and she knew it

Ghetsis dismissed the member... she didn't want to leave Angel because... Angel was different. she made the member feel... different. she had stayed guard at the doors while N and Angel were battling. she stared at the Pokeball Angel gave her while Angel battled... she was really strong

After the battle was over, Ghetsis walked pass the member and glanced at her "Grunt" he called. she saluted with her Pokeball, he glared "when I'm done with that brat, I want you to release that Pokemon she gave you" she flinched and looked at the Pokeball "it is clear that that girl forced to take that Pokeball and give it to any stranger that might or might not take care of it. release it at once" he walked away. the member frowned and stared at the Pokeball

'You don't have to listen to him sweet Rose' the Pokemon from the lighthouse appeared, floated in front of her 'Angel knew this pokemon would be perfect for you... if you see what it is, I will translate to tell you what it wants' the Pokemon looked though the door. the member did the same and saw Ghetsis choking Angel in the air

"He's... Hurting her.." the Pokemon nodded and looked at her

'Angel cares a lot about Pokemon sweet Rose... what will you do..? Do you care..? do you want me to help?' The member looked at it surprised

"You mean..?" It nodded

'I will be by your side if you let me' her heart felt like it was stabbed. she looked up at Angel loosing energy. the member shut her eyes tightly and started shaking

"Psychic!" She shouted. the Pokemon nodded and attacked Ghetsis away. the formal champion and two boys ran over. they stared at her looking at the floor

"Who are you?" The boy with glasses asked. The member quickly picked up the Pokemon before their eyes got a chance to look at it and ran out the castle. it's not safe here... she knew Angel will be the hero of Unova... pretty soon. the police will look for every Plasma if noticed

'Shall I take you somewhere?' The Pokemon asked. the member snorted and looked away

"Whatever. do what you want"

Well everyone! That's Rosa's story during the Shadow Hunter story! It amazes me how I don't plan my stories. I just write as I go... and it eventually ends up making sense... I don't see how, but it does! Please stay around for more on the way! I might have the case of Writers Block, but do bare with me... So writing this is going to take SOME, a lot of time! Sorry! Bye now!

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