Chapter 4: Hypnosis

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Song: My Everything by Ariana Grande

This is kinda embarrassing to put a real life song here. I'm not really sure why it's embarrassing but I hope you enjoy!

Nate's Pov

"I get it! I get it!" Hugh cheered, even though he lost the battle "I lost to you, but I now understand everything! You're a awesome teacher!" I smirked and looked at the view

"Remember what we learned" he nodded and returned his fainted Servine

"I got this!" He put his hand in a fist and looked at the sky "nothing can bring me down now!" I chuckled and send out Abra "you're leaving already?" I nodded

"Yeah, I still need to find that girl who's been robbing everyone" he nodded and faced me



"Make her pay" I nodded and faced Abra

"Take me to Castelia City, on the side walk this time" she nodded and raised her arms before glowing

"And don't flirt with girls!" I heard Hugh shout before I was send to the big city, safely

"Good job Abra" I smiled while petting her head. she smiled and teleported to my side "now let's go find that girl... got any ideas?" She looked up ahead and saw that girl that I accidentally threw in the fountain walking my way next to her Mareep. she was wearing the same clothes I first seen her in...

"Hi" I smiled while waving. she pass me without even glancing at me. I stood there, feeling rejected again. I sat on my knees and lied my hands on the concrete... feeling defeated. is there something wrong with me? Never had I had this happen...

"Ma?" I looked up and saw the girl's Mareep looked at me curiously. it seem to be wearing a Soothe Bell

"Hey there..." I sat down and pet its head "we meet again" I smiled

"Ma!" It smiled and walked into my arms to cuddle with me. I laughed and hugged it's warm fur. I heard someone clear their throat. I looked up and saw the pretty girl, glaring down at me in a dark gaze

I blushed and looked at her bare legs near me "nice legs" i smirked. she kneed my face and picked up her Mareep. i groaned loudly and held my face

"Pervert" she muttered and walked away. i glared and checked my face for blood... nothing... i didn't even feel pain anymore

"Huh?" I looked up and saw a strange looking Pokemon with green music bar streaks in its hair "what kind of Pokemon are you?" My pokedex went off

'Meloetta, the melodies sung by Meloetta have the power to make Pokemon that hear them happy or sad' i looked at it confused and kept checking my face for injured, but there still wasnt any... how!?

'Sorry my master did that to you! Shes not in the mood. i recovered your adorable face!' It smiled. my jaw dropped. did it just... talk?! 'Goodbye!' It waved and disappeared.

I stood up and looked at Abra "you saw that... right?" She didnt say anything. she must be asleep... Abras do sleep 18 hours a day after all, or at least, thats what it said on my Pokedex

I returned her and walked to the police station to find Looker looking up some files "hey there boss" i greeted and sat down on a spin chair... i really wanted to spin in it but I must be professional

"Sam, there had been 30 more people who had been Pokemon robbed" i stood up and glared

"What!?" I grabbed the files and looked through them as quickly and angrily as possible "who are these people that got robbed?!"

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