Chapter 19: Search

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Nate's Pov

I ran after the grunts who stole Sewaddle from Rosa, I won't forgive them for doing that "get back here! In the name of the International Police!" I yelled. they ignored me and kept running towards the city

"Hold it!" I heard Hugh's voice shout. the grunts stopped in front of him "what are you guys up to here anyways?"

"Hugh! They stole Rosa's Sewaddle!" I shouted. he looked my way confused

"Huh?" The grunts looked at each other while Sewaddle was asleep in their arms. what did they do to her!?

"Nothing... we were just out on a jog" one of them lied "so what did we do to you that you're bothering us with questions?" I glared

"Bastards! Don't try to pull anything! We have you surrounded! What do you take us for!?"

"You stole a Pokemon! I can never forgive Pokemon thieves like you! Hand over the Pokemon! if not, you're about to feel my rage!" He took out a Pokeball "N-Sam!" I nodded and send out had Dewott run towards a pair that was staring my way while another pair was looking at Hugh

"Yesh" one of them said "trainers sure are unruly these days" he shook his hand and handed over Sewaddle to a grunt girl "you're mistaking your Pokemon's strength for your own? I couldn't care less about a runt like you and that boy that claims to be the international police" excuse me!? "We got the Sewaddle we're looking for, its got nothing to do with you!"

"What's so special about that Sewaddle?!" Hugh asked

"That Sewaddle belongs to my friend! You have no right to steal it from her!"

"She stole it from us first!" The girl holding Sewaddle yelled "this was our Sewaddle first! That girl stole I believe, stole it from one of our co-workers, we're just taking her back" I shook my head

"I don't care what your excuse was! You mistreat Sewaddle! Hugh! Cover me!" I don't care what's special about Sewaddle, they're not going to make Rosa sad "Dewott! Razor shell! Abra, Psychic and take Sewaddle back!" Dewott sharpened his shells and attacked the two grunts while Hugh used his Servine to slap the others.

Abra got a hold of Sewaddle and brought her to my arms "no!" The grunt glared. I showed my badge

"You're under arrest for resisting, show me your hands!" Hugh ran to my side after they all were too much out of energy to stand. they didn't show me their hands "I said show them to me!" They slowly raised them. I called Looker "yo! Looker! I got a couple of grunts I'll be sending over to you!"

"Good job Nate! I'm in Castelia in the office" I nodded and hung up

"Abra, take them to Looker" she nodded and lifted her arms "wait" I pointed at a random grunt guy "except him" she nodded and took everyone but the one I was staring at. he was shivering in fear as I gave him a cold look

"Why do you want him for?" Hugh asked. I closed my eyes

"Dewott" Dewott nodded, knowing what I wanted and unmasked the blonde criminal with blue eyes

"Cam!?" Hugh gasped "you're part of Team Plasma!?" He glared. Cam looked away and stood. Servine tied him up so he won't run. he sighed and looked down

"How did you know?" I snorted

"I always knew" him and Hugh looked at me surprised "I just never said anything because there was no proof. you disguised yourself as a student, think you can fool everyone for who you were. I did research on you Cam, I know who you are" I walked up to him and snatched his collar angrily, he shivered while staring at mydeath glare "you think you can just take Rosa's Pokemon like that? Sewaddle is not your concern dammit"

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