Wedding Talk!!!

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“Fred we have to get inside now…George got his ear cursed off...” His face dropped and he ran to the house. I followed him into the house when I got into the living room George was saying something about being “holy” and Fred laughed and said that of all the ear humor that he could say he went with holy. Everyone became a little happier because we knew that he was gonna be okay. Everyone but the Weasley’s had left. Finally I knew we had to start getting ready for Bill and Fleur’s wedding in a month. Surprisingly it was the day after Harry and my birthday.

Everyone headed upstairs and went to their own rooms. Ron, Harry, and the twins where in Ron’s room. The twins are on the floor with sleeping bags. I was with Hermione and Ginny. We were all very tired but made some plans for what we will do after the wedding for Harry and I’s birthday. Hermione and Ginny said they will do the cakes and all I have to do is pick out cake flavors and drinks. We ending up going to bed when Mrs. Weasley came into tell us we had a big day today and we need sleep.


Everyone was downstairs, except for Mr. Weasley and Bill had gone to work, and we were talking about the wedding. Today we were getting dress, tuxes, and all the things you need to wear to a wedding.

“Okay everyone I have made my mind on who I would like to be my Maid of Honor… and I have chosen Rose!” Said Fleur. I looked at her with surprise.

“Why not your sister?” I asked.

“My sister is too young and well I thought that you wanted to be it because not only is it my special day but you are gonna be of age finally, so I thought it would I don’t know even more special…”she answered. I smiled and I reached over to her and hugged her.

“Oh thank you Fleur!” I said. “Oh of course but now we must get dresses!”

“Well I am sorry Fleur but I refuse to wear a dress” said Fred.

“It is bad enough that I am missing an ear but must you put me in a dress.” said George. We all laughed and I saw Fred motion for me to go into the kitchen with him. I excused myself and followed after him. I saw him sitting on the counter with his hair all messy, Gosh how did I get so lucky.

“I don’t know what you are talking about. I am the lucky one.” He snickered. I realized I said that out loud. I stood in front of his knees and he took my hands. I smiled and as he picked me up and switched our places. If his mother were to see us on her counters she would flip right after asking if I was hungry.

“Rose I heard Ron and Harry talking last night, they thought I was asleep, and well they were talking about leaving to try and kill Voldemort. They mentioned you and how you are going and also Hermione… well I guess what I am getting at is well are you planning on going to fight Him just the four of you on the run…” he asked with concern. I could see the worry in his eyes.

“Yes, Fred I do plan on going with them. Harry and I actually planned on just the two of us going but they insisted. I mean Hermione is good at spells and Ron just wants to help his family. Freddie I have to go. You knew this was gonna happen I told you the day we became official that if He rises to power I will go and fight him I will not leave my brother to fight for everyone he cannot do it by himself.” I told him. Fred looked at me and I could see him fighting back the tears. He kissed my knuckles and whispered in my ear

“I love you. But please realize that I do want you to help but I don’t want you going on a suicide mission I want you with me. I want you to be with me at The Joke shop. After the wedding… please come with me I don’t want us to split apart and never see each other till god knows when. Just promise me you will think about my offer.” He kissed my cheek and then hugged me closely. I knew what I had to choose I knew what I can do. I have made my choice.

I heard everyone calling for us from the other room so we went in and everyone decide we would all meet at the Joke shop in an hour. I ran upstairs and grabbed my wallet and then meet Fred and George outside. They were taking me to the joke shop with them because they had some paper work to do before taking a vacation. Fred took my hand and told me not to let go no matter what. He doesn’t know that I already have done a side-apperanting before. I felt a little sick when we landed. I covered my mouth and thought I was gonna barf. I didn’t but I had a wicked headache.

“Love are you okay? How do you feel?” Fred and George in unison. I nodded but said I only need to lay down for a little bit. Fred said I could lay in his room. He led the way to the back of the joke shop and to the staircase that lead upstairs to the boys housing. Fred led me to his room and helped me into bed and gave me a headache cure potion. I curled up and fell asleep.

After sleeping for 20 minutes I woke up to a picture of Fred and me at the Yule Ball on Fred’s night table. I decided to explore, mostly because I have no idea how to get out of here. The first thing I did was open Fred’s closet and I grabbed a jacket. I then walked down the hallway ,putting on the jacket, to the stairs and walked down to the shop. I found Fred and George’s office. I only found Fred in the office. I see a picture of me and Fred in our Quidditch robes on the field Fred was kissing my forehead. I walked over to him and covered his eyes with my hands.

“Guess Who!”

“Hmm Umbridge?” spoke Fred. I smacked his arm and frowned at him. I stomped out of the room.

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