Kiss the Girl!

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“Yes, I will!” I answered. He put the ring on my finger and then stood up and kissed my lips. I kissed him back and then pulled away.

“We should go downstairs. I mean it is my birthday party and well we do have some news to give some people” I said while looking at my ring. Fred laughed and kissed my hand. We then walked down the stairs and I saw Mrs. Weasley give us a questioning look. Fred nodded and she smiled at us and came over to give us a hug.

“Okay time for cake and presents!” said Ginny. I handed Harry the gift I got him and he handed me my gift. I unwrapped the first gift and saw it was a beautifully crafted blue lily hairclip.

“Thanks Harry. I love this!” He said our Mum wore it on her wedding day. He winked at and stole a quick glance at my ring. He opened my present next. It was a little sack that holds an unbelievable amount of things. I figured he could use it for the horcuxes so if there is a spell and or curse on it. He really enjoyed.  Next I opened a present from Fleur, Bill and Fleur’s family. They gave me pretty watch. They said that every witch and wizard should get a wizard watch. It is a tradition. I thanked them and saw that Harry also got a watch expect his was from The Weasley’s.

I had opened all my presents and Harry had opened his. I also got some Weasley Wheezes from Ron and George. Hermione gave me a journal to write notes that I find. Hermione gave Harry a twin journal so we write in the journals and the other one can read what the other wrote. Hermione thought it would be good for keeping in contact.

“So Rose what was your favorite gift that you know you will never forget?” asked Ginny. I looked at Fred and smiled.

“Well I guess now is as good time as any other. Fred and I are getting married!” I told them. Everyone started to congratulate us. I kept on smiling and thanking everyone. Fred came over and put his arms around my waist and kissed the top of my head.

“Well congrats you two. I didn’t know that Fred was into the girl that is one of the “Chosen ones” and not to mention someone who threatens to curse someone’s nose off the first five minutes without the trace.” Fred gave me a look and I just shook it off.

“I would only threat someone who is hurting the ones I love… oh and by the way it is never a threat but a promise for next time.” I told her. She rolled her eyes and gave me a nasty look before walking away. I let out a deep breathe leaned into Fred tiredly.

“Love are you okay?” he asked me.

“Yeah just kinda overwhelmed and tired it has been a busy day.”

“Yes well you better get some sleep tomorrow is gonna be even busier” He told me. I nodded in response.

“Wanna walk me to my room?” I asked him. He nodded and we said goodnight to everyone and headed upstairs. Mrs. Weasley gave us a curious look and I mouthed that I am just tired and I need sleep. She nodded and let us continue.

“Well this is my stop” I told him. He chuckled.

“I guess so. Goodnight Rosie.” He told me. And he walked away. I stared at him with disbelief.

“So this is how you leave your Fiancé on her birthday?” I asked him. He turned around and smiled at me. I raised a brow at him. He took three quick steps and had an arm wrapped around me and one hand caressing my cheek.

“Of course not” He says he leans down and kisses me. I kiss him back as I stand up on my tip toes. He pulls away a few seconds later.

“Goodnight love. You need sleep for tomorrow. You play a very big part.” He kissed my forehead and he walked back downstairs. I went into my room and changed into my pajamas. I went to bathroom and did all of my nightly things before going to bed.

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