Pasmione- movies/cuddling

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Another ship of HP characters Hermione Granger (Emma Watson) and Pansy Parkingson (Scarlett Byrne)

A). I ship Pansmione!!!
B). What's that?
A). It's obviously Pansy and Hermione's ship name!!!
B). Oh! Them I ship them too!


Third person

Pansy decided she wanted to spend the summer with Hermione and her muggle family, eventually when they got back to kings cross they found Hermiones parents waiting for them, she saw Hermione smile and run over to hug them Pansy trailed behind with their bags.

Eventually they got to their house she was amazed on how small it was compared to her house, "Hermione your house is so cute" Pansy said as they walked through the door. They then put their cases up stairs and Hermione put all their clothes in the wash.

It's been a couple months and Pansy is starting to get used to this little house, she loved it. Today was just going to be a relaxing day they already finished their homework she they were free for the rest of the summer, they just decided to read and cuddle, "Hermione?" Pansy asked as they were cuddling "hm" Hermione responded while looking up at her "what's that" Pansy asked her with her eyebrows furrowed, she was pointing to DVD's, "oh, those?" Hermione asked while pointing to the same spot "yeah" Hermione got up and brought one to the bed "this, is called a DVD you play movies on it" Hermione explained, "can you show me how to work such" Pansy asked now interested in it, Hermione then got up and put in the movie sixteen candles in the DVD player that was in her room, she then set it up and once the tv was in Pansy seemed even more intrigued now seeing the moving things on the TV that wasn't a photograph.

Once the screen came on for them to push play, Hermione got up and pushed the button, all of a sudden loud music started for the intro, Pansy was startled at the music but eventually sat on the bed with Hermione rather than laying.

She watched the whole movie without taking her eyes off the screen. Once the movie was over they were both half asleep considering it was now 9:00 at night, they then went to bed.. sleeping peacefully in each other's arms.

This one was really cute!! I'm in love with these so far!!!  I hope you do too 414 words.

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