Bairon- Amortentia

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In the Harry Potter world Blairon is a ship between Blaise Zabini and Ron Weasley

Person 1"I was reading a Drarry fanfic and it had Pansmionie and Blairon

Person 2"I like all of them ships but Drarry is the best and should be cannon

Person 1"I know!Drarry is otp"

Blaise seen as the perfect person is now dating Ronald Weasley... see how they became enemies to lovers in this on One-Shot...

"Today we are making Amortentia" professor Snape called out to the class 'why isn't Blaise here yet' Draco thought in his head as they got with there partners, "Pansy Parkinson and Hermione Granger" they are obviously happy about it "Dean Thomas and Seamus  Finnagin" they blushed "Draco Malfoy and Harry Potter" they looked at each other and winked "And Ronald Weasley you will be with Mr. Zabini when he decides to come to class" Ron's ears went red, they do that when he feels pressured "now before we start-" just then Blaise came barging into the room, "sorry I'm la-" he started then he started to smell around "Weaslbee," Ron looked at him "why does the room smell like you" snape smirked "Ms. Granger will you please tell us about the potion Amortentia" hermione went red then started "it's the most strongest love potion in the world and it you smell someone or something you love or makes you happy, for example I smell, hair dye, a nature smelling perfume and nail polish" she blushed and Pansy looked at her and smirked, but Blaise his face immediately dropped "shit" he said under his breath, Ron went bright as his hair, everyone in the class looked at them trying to hold back their laughs.

At the end end of the class it was lunch, when they were at their tables Blaise couldn't take it anymore and yelled, "WEASLEY!" Ron gulped and stayed where he was Blaise then came over took him by the robes and pulled him close to him, Ron thought he was going to hurt him and by now everyone was looking but then he brought his lips to Ron's... Ron was shocked at first but eventually started to kiss back. Everyone looked shocked as Ron and Blaise we're snogging, Blaise then pulled apart and smirked at him, he just walked out the room after that.

392 words

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