➤ Chapter : 2

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Author's POV

The boy in black, folded his hands while checking out the daring newcomer with arched brow.

The way newcomer failed to make eye contacts, shivered by slight touch, stuttered speaking straight and flinched by raised voice or laughs around him, showed the older that the younger was a weakling. However, never in a million years the older thought that coward could step up for something so audacious.

When the whole cup of shake was spilled unexpectedly ,the older faced his right with gritted teeth and closed eyes , which controlled unleashed fire inside them. His whole left side of face was painted in sticky chocolate liquid, dripping from the jaw and falling on his black expensive looking shirt, which was also all soaked in sugary liquid by now.

Loud gasps escaped by all , together.

"Who the hell is he ?"

"Are you out of your mind ?"

"You're dead now !"

"O-oppa , are you okay ?"

Older's friends were way more than shocked. A good amount of time just went by Jungkook ,standing in utter shock , and three, standing looking at Jungkook with wide eyes ; two in pure anger and one with worry.

Jackson was the first to brake the silence as he stepped forward furiously, "How fuckin dare yo-"

"Hey, Jackson! Don't!" The boy with glasses stopped Jackson by stepping in between Jackson and Jungkook. "Hey, kid. Go away." The same boy said with concern, but Jungkook was still in state of shock , he couldn't move.

Jackson was constantly starring daggers on Jungkook's small state while cursing out loud. The other boy was trying to stop him untill the boy with boxy smile interfered and got ahold of him ,to make Jackson's way clear.

"Ah, What are you doing, Taehyung ? Let go , it isn't funny, he's clearly a kid." The boy with glasses said with concern and annoyance.

"I know it isn't funny ,I.M. .But when Jacky will ruin his pretty face, maybe then it will be ?" Boy, seemingly Taehyung ,said with his signature smirk.

Jackson rolled up his sleeves and walked one step, "you like getting in trouble, right ?" He walked one more step and tugged his one hand on shivering boy's collar , "now have the taste of your own medicine." Saying that ,Jackson fisted his hand in ball and positioned infront of Jungkook's face , who closed his eyes tight shut.

However, before Jackson could release his punch on poor boy's face , a hand on his shoulder stopped him. "Stop, Jackson." The boy, painted in sugary liquid, almost growled in low voice, making Jackson stop and step back in a second.

The boy now walked close to Jungkook and put his chocolate laced fingers under Jungkook's chin to make him look up. "Jeon Jungkook, a pathetic coward ,who can't even make a stable eye contact for a mere second, taking such a brave step , clearly on someone so..so dangerous for your existence. And yeah, infront of everyone—" He whispered in low voice while painting Jungkook's chin with liquid chocolate, "—Yuggie ! That person! Must be someone so important for you to take such a huge—oh wait.. such a hazardous step towards me , right ?" He chuckled for the first time , which wasn't pleasant at all.  It didn't just ran shiver through Jungkook's spine, but through everyones ,watching the scene.

"I'm jealous. Must love them so much to be a little daredevil infront of a devil himself." He said through gritted teeth and hand around Jungkook's neck, barely controlling to choke him right there.

"I would've let is slide, Honey. But ,I'm a vengeful person you see ." The boy smirked leaving Jungkook's neck and took two steps back . "People say we can't see future, but I can totally see yours ,Jeon Jungkook. And it screams—" he paused and a smile grew up on his face, definately a chilling one when he said, "Nightmare."

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