Chapter Eight-Lying To Yourself

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        I awake to someone trying to nudge me off the couch. Groggily, I attempt to wave off the person. "Kniiiight...go awaaaay." I grumble, before cracking my eyes open.

        And then I remember I'm not on LOPAR, nor is Knight here. Wonderful. I need to work on opening my eyes before complaining.

        Instead of seeing the purple-clad Rage player my sleepy mind thought I would, instead I see someone completelydifferent. It's the one who has on some sort of gas mask. Yeah, I don't get it either.

        "Sorry..." I murmur, flopping my legs off the side and hopping off. Deciding not to deal with the floor, I start floating instead. God, that is the most convenient power I have. I stretch my arms slightly, glancing around to see if anyone else is in here. Either they all left or gas-mask-person gets up really early. A quick glance to the clock shows me it's about five in the morning, so I got another four hours of sleep. Roughly, of course.

        I think the gas-mask-person was trying to say I didn't need to apoglize, but with the mask, I couldn't tell.

        It's uneasy, this room--as if we're not actually the only two. But my brain's still half-asleep so I really can't tell, ugh.


        Of course there's actually someone else in the room. And of course it's the one person I'm starting to get "I-feel-like-history-is-repeating-itself" vibes from.

        The mother-freaking Spy.

        Don't get me wrong--he doesn't seem like a bad person. But I get uneasy around people, and sometimes that crawls over into my previous experiences.

I half-heartedly wave at the "newcomer"--if I can even consider him as such--and try to calm the panic rising in my head. Nothing bad will come out of this timeline, I tell myself. The past won't repeat itself, I repeat over and over, like a battle cry in my mind.

No wave back. Good. Actually, he's not really doing anything. Just kinda leaning up against the wall. If you weren't paying attention, one would think he was dead. I'm pretty detail-oriented--just something you might like to know, reader--and I pick up on things. Like sound of light, measured breaths coming from a person. Or the slight sneer on said person's expression.

However, even with my awkwardness around people, I can't help but slowly make my way towards the other--the previously mentioned gas-mask-person left when Spy showed up.

He doesn't look up.

"Sorry for being nosy, but, uh...Why are you so quiet?" Most people I've seen here are like, loud central. Other than this guy and the Australian dude.

"It's, ah, part of my class description." Pretty much with every word, he makes a sarcastic head tilt.

"I'm not that big a moron. There's another reason. Otherwise, you wouldn't have the sneer." Leave it up to me make stupid references to my attention skills.

"Is that so?" God, I already want to punch this guy.

Shrugging, I decide to leave, floating out the nearby door. When I'm certain I'm far enough away from the room, and anyone else in this place, I throw my arms up in frustration. "Leave it to Jackie to be a complete moron." Yeah, I know, I just said I wasn't, but let's face it. My self-image fluctuates. I let my hands fall loosely on my sides, gripping my dress tightly.

I used to dig my nails into my arms when I got frustrated, but I realized I probably shouldn't do that, so I take it out on my dress now. That's why there's small holes in the sides of it--from me holding on to it really tightly.

Pressing my back against a nearby wall, I slide down to a sitting position. Man, this place could do with a few chairs here and there. Or maybe there are, I just don't go in that direction.

I could always leave, I suppose, go back to the other timeline. But who am I kidding? Going back wouldn't be any less or any more pleasant, considering my current situation.

Speaking of my current situation...It's like those here have forgotten I'm around--except both of the group's masked people. Did they think I would've left by now? All things considered, perhaps.

Maybe I was lying to myself.

Maybe history will repeat itself.

As a Time player, it seems odd to be saying this, but...

Only time will tell.

End of Chapter Eight

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