Chapter Six-Floating and Wondering (Character-Study-Type Chapter)

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I guess I'm not going to hear "the long story", as it goes silent in the room.

As I just kinda...look out to those inside the room, I get this uneasy feeling in the pit of my stomach. I can't tell you why I've got this feeling, but I do, and it's bothering me. So to help alleviate the feeling, well, I hope this'll work, I strike the ground with my heel and get into a standing-floating position. Y'know, with one leg kinda bent and the other foot pointed to the floor? Yeah, well I'm like that right now.

...Although, those in here are staring at me oddly. What, never seen a floating girl? Well, I guess they've never lived in the House--where I used to live, in that other timeline--so they might not be as used to it as my old housemates.

"How are you floating like that?" I'm not sure who says this, as I still only know like, two people's names.

"I'm...uh...a technical god?" I say this slowly, but continue before someone else could interject. "Technically, it's called a God Tier. I happen to be one, the Seer of Time. That's, uh, also how I got here. The title grants me...erm...abilities."

I'm met with nothing but silence. Figures, as what I just said does sound a bit unbelievable. I let out a slow breath, and say one last thing: "And I get it if you don't believe a word of what I just said. Hardly anyone does."

Leaving those in the room with that comment, I use the wall to spin myself around, and float out. Not my best choice, I know, but I really screwed things up back there. I huff, and go down far enough that I can hear those inside the room, but so they can't see me if I sit on the floor, which I do.

It's silent for a few moments, but I find that they just sort of...brush off the entire ordeal and go back to whatever they already taking about. Figures, I say something "crazy" and they completely ignore my words. Not the first time.

Before I can get back to my feet, I hear footsteps. Quickly, I duck down, hoping whichever of the nine it is will ignore me and keep moving.

But I'm not that lucky. Wonderful.

"You alright?" They ask, and I recognize the voice as being the last one from the room--Sniper, I think?--and being the one missing from the room. I still wonder why he wasn't in there.

"I...guess you could say that." I muse, glancing to the side. "But I don't believe my problems are your concern."

He makes a less-than-amused "hmph!" noise, and I hear footsteps going in the opposite direction. I look up and, I'm not surprised by this, he walked away. I prefer to be alone, anyway. People are fickle and annoying.

Staring up at the ceiling, I start wondering if the people in the House have noticed me gone. The only person I can think of that might is Antonio, my kinda-sorta matesprit/moirail. Well, Ludwig seems to care more, so maybe he would. I can't really see the timeline right now, so I can't confirm or disprove my thoughts.

It's funny. A Time player who can't see timelines without some type of trigger--a voice, something the person's touched, etc. Well, okay, it's not funny, it's lame.

Humming softly, I start wondering about something else. Where are my flats, and why aren't they on my feet? I mean, why would they even consider taking my flats off?

Well then again, I don't always tie them that tightly--I wear ballet-type flats with a ribbon going up the leg. Maybe they fell off? Probably.

With that predicament solved, I finally start to realize how tired I am right now. I don't even care what time it is.

I do have a problem, though. I have no idea where I should go, and I don't even know if I want to get up right now.

Sighing, I lean my head against the wall--taking note of how cold it is--and close my eyes slowly. I'm sure a short, little nap won't hurt...Right?

With this self-reassurance, I let myself doze off. I just hope I'm not going to get the nightmares again.

End of Chapter Six

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