Chapter 1

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He flopped down on the bed and stared at the photos he took of you before eventually being lulled to sleep.
Sakusa dreamt that of you that night, like he always did.
Tonight was a special dream, it was his first encounter with you.
"Y/N, this is Sakusa Kiyoomi, my cousin. Sakusa, this is Y/N." Komori had brought you over to where the ravenette was sitting, he smiles at you gently like how a mother would to a child. It felt warm and bubbly being looked at like that.

Sakusa glares at you. You shiver a bit, feeling the sense of unwelcomeness, however you tell yourself this is probably just how he is and that there was no need to be afraid. Composing yourself first making sure you didn't stutter, you grinned and introduced yourself.

"L/N Y/N, a pleasure to meet you Sakusa-san."

He gazes up to get a better look at you. You get an uncanny feeling, you absolutely hated being scrutinized like that, it made you feel like a prey that was about to be pounced by the predator, yet you continued to smile like you always do when meeting new people no matter how scary they were. Your mother told you it was good manners.

Sakusa remains silent, awkwardness bleeds in.

Komori nudges his cousin.
"Dude stop giving her death stares, you're making her uncomfortable." He whispers hastily.

The hostile boy sitting before you averts his gaze, letting you relax a bit.

"Sorry Y/N, he's not the friendliest, I forgot to tell you he's a bit sensitive to germs as well, so it might be a bit hard getting to know him." The caramel haired boy gives you an apologetic look.

"That's okay, I'll give him some space first and hopefully we can be friends soon." You beamed at him, filled with optimism.

She's not going to... harass me into being her friend?

You spun around, heading back to your desk.
The ravenette's eyes never left your back for the rest of the class.

The small pique of interest soon turned into an obsession.

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