Chapter 12

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"Se- seventy-two percent? Seriously?" You surveyed his test paper. "But how? You got all of the questions correct on the worksheets and stuff..."

You glance up at him waiting for an explanation. Sakusa stares at you for a while before speaking.

"I forgot some of the material, and the questions confused me a little." He says despondently.

Confused him? Maybe he gets nervous during exams... you ponder all the possible reasonings before making an offer.

"Hey, let's study together again later, some of the questions confused me as well. I mean, you don't have to if you don't wanna... but like-"

"Sure." he answers without letting you finish.

Before you had the chance to say anything back, a piece of paper was shoved in your face by a certain caramel haired boy who looked a little too excited.

"Look Y/N!" He exclaimed while pointing at the two digits circled in red at the corner of the page. You were about to congratulate him as you thought he had achieved a high-score when he cut you off.

"SIXTY-NINE!" He yells before doubling over, chortling as if it was the funniest thing in the world. You smack him at the back of his head and look at him incredulously. How old is this boy?

"Motoya, you have the mindset of an 11-year-old boy." You say hypocritically as you begin to crack a smile yourself.

He snorts, you couldn't contain your laughter any longer as you begin cackling along with him. You sneak a peek at Sakusa, and though it was a bit difficult to tell with a mask on, you knew he had his lips curled in an upward direction because of the way his eyes slightly creased.

You decide not to point it out as you knew it would damage his pride, knowing that he got caught smiling along to a 6th-grader joke. Well, at the end of the day, he is just a teenage boy.


"Hmm... I think you used the wrong formula here..." You say, pointing to a question that had been marked with a red cross. "Try using this one, and you should get the right answer." After writing the correct formula, you push the paper towards him.

Sakusa remained stationary, your eyes never broke contact. I wonder if I can fuck her in the library right here right now...

You sit there awkwardly. Why is he looking at me like that...

"Oi, the questions are on the page, not my face." You tapped your pen against the test booklet.

He tears his gaze away while trying to rid himself of his sinful thoughts. Stop stop stop stop stop... stop thinking about that

"Oh- uhh- yeah, sorry." There's only the two of us, so no one will hear when she scr- fuck. Focus on the question, yes, the question. Now let's see...

The ravenette observed the equation for a few mere seconds before picking up his pencil and jotting away. Your eyes could barely keep up with what he was writing, everytime you thought he was about to do a mini calculation on the side, the answer had already been printed on the page. It was like he had a calculator in his brain, though he did fake a few pauses and hesitations here and there to not look suspicious, but even with that, he had completed a 3 part question in under a few minutes. You'd seen him complete difficult equations in short time spans multiple times already, but it never ceased to impress you every time.

"Kiyoomi-Kun, you sure you aren't just here to flex on me?" You say not bothering to check if his answers were correct because you just knew they were.

"Mmm..." He hums in response, hyper-fixated on that one undone button on the top of your uniform. 

Though you didn't know exactly what he was trying to get across, you move on to the next problem. Eyes unpacking his working out, you detect an error in one of the lines of numerals.

"Ah, so over here, you forgot to- wait. Hold up, what is... that?" You peer at his dress shirt that had been dappled with what resembled dried up blood.

Sakusa looks down at the collar of his shirt. Shit, that guy's disgusting blood didn't wash off fully. Fuck... what do I tell her... Though slightly worried, he keeps a straight face that masked the slight trepidation stored in his heart.

In an attempt to get a closer look, you pull your chair towards Sakusa's. You reach out and grab his collar and rub the material between your fingers, inspecting it carefully. Your knees were touching and he could feel your gentle breath against his neck. His heart hammered, you were so close, too close, he didn't mind though. I could slam her into the table right now and-

"Why does that kinda look like blood..."

Sakusa felt his chest tighten.

"It's not blood, it's cranberry juice." He stated, voice low and sibylline. I knew I should've just thrown this damn shirt away...

"Oh... I guess that makes sense, thought ya killed someone for a second there Omi-Kun." You laugh jokingly.

Sakusa stares at you.

And so what if I did?







"What? Kiyoomi hates cranberry though."

Komori says before he opened the packet of chips, the noise of the cafeteria played in the background.

"Do you?" You ask while turning to the boy to your right.

"I don't know." Sakusa replies, leaning back on his chair with his thighs apart.

"You do! I swear you do! I remember when we were kids, you took one taste and nearly puked!" The brunette exclaimed, jumping out of his seat.

Damn it Motoya just shut the hell up

"Oh? That's interesting..." Taking a sip of water, you glance at the ravenette. Was he lying to me then? Why would he lie about something so trivial though?

"Just because I hated it before, doesn't mean I'll hate it for life. People change, Motoya."

"Okay yeah I get that, but this change is way too sudden. The other day at my house you literally spilled the whole bottle of cranberry down the sink 'cos it was, and I quote, "a disgrace to humanity"."

You let out a snort of derision.

"Gee Omi, you're a bit dramatic aren't you?" You playfully elbow him, he shrinks into himself with a pout.

For a moment, you thought he looked adorable.

To our lovely readers:


We hope you've enjoyed this chapter and thank you all so much for making it this far into the book. 




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