Chapter 14

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*Trigger warnings*

Violence, Blood

"Go out with me, Y/N." Your classmate Kaito bowed while extending his hand hoping for you to take it.

You were shocked. Never in your life had you thought anyone would find you even slightly desirable. It was flattering, but you didn't see him as anything more than a classmate.

"I'm sorry, Kaito-Kun, but I'm not interested..." You mumble, unsure what to say. This was your first ever confession and it was already so painfully awkward. Damn is this what Omi goes through on a daily basis? I should probably go easy on him next time...

He straightens up and looks you in the eyes.

"Why? Is there someone else you like?" He asks, a little irritated.

A certain ravenette pops into your mind, but you shove the thought away. No no no, we're just friends... he's way out of my league, no way he'd set his standards this low for me

"No... it's not that, it's just I don't want to date anyone at the moment." This was getting uncomfortable, you hated people being pushy.

"Then give me a chance at least! I'll treat you well, my father's a successful businessman, I can get you anything you want. Please, Y/N." His voice was assertive, but you weren't going to back down just because some boy doesn't know the definition of 'no'.

"Look, Kaito-Kun, you're a nice dude..." You lied through your teeth, "but I don't really want to go out with you, you're just a classmate to me. There are so many other prettier girls than me in this school, I'm sure they'd be willing to date you." Not with that attitude though...

He huffed impatiently, making you nervous a little, but you stood your ground. You would never submit yourself to someone like him.

"Y/N, come on. Just do it for the experience, I like you so much, please give me a chance." The way he said this made it sound like a threat.

"Kaito, I'm going to say this one more time. No, I will not go out with you, I am not interested. However, I do hope the events from today will create no hard feelings between us." You were done, you could not spend one more second in that classroom. Suddenly, you feel a sharp tug on your hand. Kaito was glaring at you, sending shivers down your spine.

"Kaito, let go." You winced as he curled his fingers harder around your wrist.

"Don't be a bitch Y/N, I have so much to offer you, yet you turn me down for no reason?" You shudder at his poisonous words.

"Let go." The voice that intervened belonged to Sakusa, who made his way towards the two of you.

Never in your life had you been so thankful to see someone.

Kaito narrowed his eyes.

"Stay out of it dipshit." Kaito spat. Sakusa remained unfazed at the insult.

"Are you so desperate that you go begging people to go out with you even after rejection? How sad." He sneers at the boy.

Kaito furrows his eyebrows, he lets go of your wrist and positioned himself in front of Sakusa. They were similar in size, but the aura he emitted at this moment was terrifying. The ravenette looks completely unbothered. Oh dear, they better not start fighting

And as if on cue, Kaito swings a punch at Sakusa which he dodged effortlessly, aggravating him even more. He goes in for another hit when you hold back his arm.

"Kaito stop it! You're going to hurt each other!" You yell.

He threw you off so hard you slammed into the wall. Ow, that was unnecessary...

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