Chapter 4

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*Trigger warning*

Sexual assault

Damn it I might miss the last train. Shit, I'm such an idiot. You had forgotten to set the alarm the night before, meaning you woke up 20 minutes late. You had rushed through your morning routine while listening to your mum lecture you about your organization skills and sprinted out the door, trying to get to the train station as soon as possible. You really couldn't afford to be tardy today because your teacher had warned you that if you came late one more time, it would be detention after school, which really didn't sound fun as you had much better things to do than sit in an empty classroom and stare.

I should really work out more... By the time you had arrived, you were panting, desperately trying to gulp down the air that kept escaping your body.

"Y/N." A voice followed you from behind.

"Oh hey... Kiyoomi... good morning." You choked out, all while trying to catch your breath.

Silence. He eyes you up and down but doesn't talk. Though you had gotten a lot more use to his behavior, you still found it disturbing in some ways. It sometimes felt as if he could peer right into your soul and read your whole life, discovering all your dirty hidden secrets, evaluating and judging them albeit you knew you were being a bit overdramatic.

"Good morning," he finally says. You're pretty as always today, Y/N

"When did you get here?" Your voice was still shaking as you took in deep breaths.

"30 minutes ago," Sakusa responds dryly.

"...Why didn't you get on the train then? If my memory serves me correctly, there should be 2 before this one..."

"Too many people." He lied.



You didn't know what to say next. Come on... quickly say something... anything...

"So... how's your day been?" You ask, trying to ease the awkward tension.

"It hasn't started yet," Sakusa replies, it was clear he wasn't very skilled in the art of holding conversations. 

"Right, yes, silly me. Uhh... what did you have for breakfast this morn-"

You turn your head quickly to the sound of the train approaching and smile, relief blossoming in your stomach. FINALLY! YES!

"Alrighty, let's go then." You chime as you head on towards one of the carriages.

He follows you without a word.

You stand while holding one of the bars for balance. You were scrolling through your phone on social media, liking pictures of penguins when you suddenly felt a hand travel beneath your skirt and tightly squeeze your thigh. You squeal while turning around, but the grimy looking middle-aged man had already bolted out the doors. It all happened so quick you only just processed what happened right when the doors closed. You shiver a little. Still agitated, you try to shake off the disgusting feeling of being groped. 

Sakusa stared at you, wearing a calm face that belied the blazing fury that burned inside of him. How. Dare. He.

"You okay?"

"Yeah, I'm fine."

Why are you lying to me? He thought silently while watching you shift uncomfortably, trying to pull your skirt down lower. That won't work, Y/N.

The ravenette thinks for a second before taking off his blazer and tying it around your waist. He then steps behind you, adjusting his position trying to cover as much of your body as possible. You were touched by his actions, initially thinking that he really didn't care if you had just gotten assaulted or not. However, you were still a little disheartened. 

"Thanks, Omi. You're so kind to me." You whisper to the ground, yet still loud enough for him to hear. 

He says nothing. He couldn't. He knew making you talk more would spill the tears you were trying so hard to hold back. However, Sakusa sensed that you needed reassurance, so he nudged you gently on the hand with his index finger. It was his way of saying 'You'll be okay'. 

Sakusa had been robbed of the sight of your radiant smile and the sound of your tinkling laughter that day. Instead, he received polite nods and glossy eyes. He hated it. Not even Komori's stupid jokes or cheesy inspirational quotes were able to lighten your mood. 

Don't worry Y/N, I promise you'll never see him again, in fact, nobody ever will. He chuckles a little while imagining it all out. 

Authors Note:

To our lovely readers,

We apologize for this slightly boring chapter 😭, however, we hope the next few parts will be able to make up for it. We thank you all so much for reading this book and hope you plan on staying here for a while longer. 😊

We would love to hear any of your thoughts, feedback, or criticisms, so please leave them in the comments. 🥰 (It is quite motivating for us 🤩🕺)

Have a lovely rest of your day or night and remember to take care of yourselves! 🤗



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