Chapter 23.5

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Trigger warning: 


Two sets of footsteps on a breezy evening, one slow and casual, the other sly and secretive.

You must die.

One boy thought.

I wonder what I should have for dinner tonight...

The other pondered.

He was nearing, just a few more steps and a swift swing of the blade and it'll all be over. Sakusa felt the coolness of the metal transfer to his palm as he curled his fingers over the blade. His heart tingled with thrill, demonic fantasies of bloodshed clouded his mind.

He waited patiently. Sakusa was a perfectionist, especially when it came to the art of killing. Every move was calculated, just a split-second off could make the difference between success and utter failure, especially if he was up against stronger targets.

Bokuto paused, and bent down to inspect a rock he found rather pretty. He kneeled on the ground and took out his phone to snap a picture.

Sakusa sneered. This dumbass makes everything way too easy. What a shame, I was hoping for some action...

He began his approach, his pace quickening as he drew out his weapon. Right as he struck, the bi-coloured haired boy jumped out of the way and spun around so fast that Sakusa barely had time to react when he threw a punch.

"Sakusa Kiyoomi, I knew you'd be here." Bokuto smiled widely in an uncanny manner.

The ravenette was in no mood for a conversation and thrashed the knife only to have missed as he dodged again.

"Hey hey, put that away will ya? You might actually end up cutting me," he chuckled.

Frustrated by his missed attempts, Sakusa lunged for the golden-eyed boy. He grunted as Bokuto roughly yanked him in by the wrist and delivered a sharp kick to the stomach.

Sakusa used this as an opportunity and stabbed him in the shoulder. He was immediately released and began relentlessly slashing in all sorts of directions at such lightning speed Bokuto was beginning to have trouble keeping up.

"You dirty little rat," he growled, evading the blade and grabbing a hold of Sakusa's collar.

"Don't fucking touch me," the ravenette snarled, he seized his neck in one hand and went for a jump-kick.

Without surprise, his attack didn't land due to the godly speed of his opponent.

"All of this for a special girl eh?" Bokuto assumed, wiping the sweat from his forehead.

"Shut up, you're dead by the time I'm done with you." Sakusa snapped.

"Relax pal, I understand."

He paused at those words.

"You absolutely hate it when she talks to other guys don't you? It's frustrating when it feels like other people are taking her away from you, and it eventually gets to the point where you're given no choice but to start 'eliminating.'"

The boy stood there and lowered his knife, earning a grin from Bokuto.

"I get you bro, trust me when I say that. Others might think of us as rotten human beings, but in reality, it's just love. The type of love many don't appreciate."

"Us?" Sakusa quoted.

"You heard me," Bokuto replied, pulling out a picture of a midnight haired boy with slim, blue eyes and stroking it with his thumb. "In society's eyes, we're fucked up maniacs for some reason. But..." Bokuto gazed at him with his shimmering, golden eyes that proclaimed a sense of genuineness. "If people saw what we saw, they would go crazy too, wouldn't they?"

An image of you flashed through his mind, Sakusa found himself agreeing completely to who he thought was an absolute idiot only moments ago. 

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